Development finance classifications

Select a CodeListDatabaseStatusExport

CodeList Parent Code Name Status Header CRS TOSSD action
Provider 1 Austria Active 0 1 1
Provider 2 Belgium Active 0 1 1
Provider 3 Denmark Active 0 1 1
Provider 4 France Active 0 1 1
Provider 5 Germany Active 0 1 1
Provider 6 Italy Active 0 1 1
Provider 7 Netherlands Active 0 1 0
Provider 8 Norway Active 0 1 1
Provider 9 Portugal Active 0 1 1
Provider 10 Sweden Active 0 1 1
Provider 11 Switzerland Active 0 1 1
Provider 12 United Kingdom Active 0 1 1
Provider 18 Finland Active 0 1 1
Provider 20 Iceland Active 0 1 1
Provider 21 Ireland Active 0 1 1
Provider 22 Luxembourg Active 0 1 1
Provider 26 Monaco Active 0 1 1
Provider 30 Cyprus Active 0 1 1
Provider 40 Greece Active 0 1 1
Provider 45 Malta Active 0 1 1
Provider 50 Spain Active 0 1 1
Provider 55 TĂĽrkiye Active 0 1 1
Provider 61 Slovenia Active 0 1 1
Provider 62 Croatia Active 0 1 1
Provider 68 Czechia Active 0 1 1
Provider 69 Slovak Republic Active 0 1 1
Provider 70 Liechtenstein Active 0 1 1
Provider 72 Bulgaria Active 0 1 1
Provider 75 Hungary Active 0 1 1
Provider 76 Poland Active 0 1 1
Provider 77 Romania Active 0 1 1
Provider 82 Estonia Active 0 1 1
Provider 83 Latvia Active 0 1 1
Provider 84 Lithuania Active 0 1 1
Provider 87 Russia Active 0 1 1
Provider 104 Nordic Development Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider 130 Algeria Active 0 1 1
Provider 133 Libya Active 0 1 1
Provider 261 Nigeria Active 0 0 1
Provider 301 Canada Active 0 1 1
Provider 302 United States Active 0 1 1
Provider 336 Costa Rica Active 0 0 1
Provider 340 Dominican Republic Active 0 0 1
Provider 358 Mexico Active 0 1 1
Provider 431 Brazil Active 0 0 1
Provider 434 Chile Active 0 0 1
Provider 437 Colombia Active 0 0 1
Provider 440 Ecuador Active 0 0 1
Provider 454 Peru Active 0 0 1
Provider 460 Uruguay Active 0 0 1
Provider 543 Iraq Active 0 1 1
Provider 546 Israel Active 0 1 1
Provider 551 Palestinian Authority Active 0 0 1
Provider 552 Kuwait Active 0 1 1
Provider 561 Qatar Active 0 1 1
Provider 566 Saudi Arabia Active 0 1 1
Provider 576 United Arab Emirates Active 0 1 1
Provider 611 Azerbaijan Active 0 1 1
Provider 613 Kazakhstan Active 0 1 1
Provider 701 Japan Active 0 1 1
Provider 732 Chinese Taipei Active 0 1 1
Provider 738 Indonesia Active 0 0 1
Provider 742 Korea Active 0 1 1
Provider 764 Thailand Active 0 1 1
Provider 765 Timor-Leste Active 0 1 1
Provider 801 Australia Active 0 1 1
Provider 807 UNEP Active 0 1 1
Provider 811 Global Environment Facility Active 0 1 1
Provider 812 Montreal Protocol Active 0 1 1
Provider 820 New Zealand Active 0 1 1
Provider 901 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Active 0 1 0
Provider 902 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Active 0 1 0
Provider 903 International Finance Corporation Active 0 1 0
Provider 905 International Development Association Active 0 1 0
Provider 906 Caribbean Development Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider 907 International Monetary Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider 909 Inter-American Development Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider 910 Central American Bank for Economic Integration Active 0 1 1
Provider 913 African Development Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider 914 African Development Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider 915 Asian Development Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider 918 EU Institutions Active 0 1 1
Provider 921 Arab Fund (AFESD) Active 0 1 1
Provider 923 UN Peacebuilding Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider 926 Council of Europe Active 0 1 1
Provider 928 World Health Organisation Active 0 1 1
Provider 932 Food and Agriculture Organisation Active 0 1 1
Provider 940 International Labour Organisation Active 0 1 1
Provider 944 International Atomic Energy Agency Active 0 1 0
Provider 948 UNECE Active 0 1 1
Provider 951 OPEC Fund for International Development Active 0 1 1
Provider 952 OAPEC Active 0 1 1
Provider 953 Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa Active 0 1 1
Provider 954 Special Arab Aid Fund for Africa Active 0 1 1
Provider 956 IMF Trust Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider 958 IMF (Concessional Trust Funds) Active 0 1 0
Provider 959 UNDP Active 0 1 1
Provider 960 UNTA Active 0 1 1
Provider 962 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Active 0 1 1
Provider 963 UNICEF Active 0 1 1
Provider 964 UNRWA Active 0 1 1
Provider 966 WFP Active 0 1 1
Provider 967 UNHCR Active 0 1 1
Provider 971 UNAIDS Active 0 1 1
Provider 974 UNFPA Active 0 1 1
Provider 976 Islamic Development Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider 978 OSCE Active 0 1 1
Provider 979 Islamic Monetary Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider 980 Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African and Arab Countries Active 0 1 1
Provider 981 Black Sea Trade & Development Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider 982 GODE Active 0 1 1
Provider 983 Other Arab Agencies Active 0 1 1
Provider 988 IFAD Active 0 1 1
Provider 990 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Active 0 1 0
Provider 992 UN AGENCIES Active 0 1 1
Provider 997 Global Partnership for Education Active 0 1 1
Provider 1011 Climate Investment Funds Active 0 1 1
Provider 1012 Adaptation Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider 1013 Council of Europe Development Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider 1014 Private Infrastructure Development Group Active 0 1 1
Provider 1015 Development Bank of Latin America Active 0 1 1
Provider 1016 Green Climate Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider 1017 Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility Active 0 1 1
Provider 1018 Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider 1019 IDB Invest Active 0 1 1
Provider 1020 Central Emergency Response Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider 1022 UN inter-agency pooled funds Active 0 0 1
Provider 1023 World Tourism Organisation Active 0 1 1
Provider 1024 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider 1025 Center of Excellence in Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider 1026 SESRIC Active 0 0 1
Provider 1036 UN Secretariat Active 0 0 1
Provider 1037 International Investment Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider 1038 UN Institute for Disarmament Research Active 0 1 1
Provider 1039 UN Capital Development Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider 1040 UN Office on Drugs and Crime Active 0 0 1
Provider 1041 Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development Active 0 0 1
Provider 1042 UN Office of Counter-Terrorism Active 0 0 1
Provider 1043 Interpol Active 0 0 1
Provider 1044 New Development Bank Active 0 0 1
Provider 1045 North American Development Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider 1046 UN Women Active 0 1 1
Provider 1047 COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider 1048 Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider 1049 International Commission on Missing Persons Active 0 1 1
Provider 1050 WHO-Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan Active 0 1 1
Provider 1051 United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs Active 0 0 1
Provider 1052 International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Active 0 1 1
Provider 1053 Asian Forest Cooperation Organisation Active 0 1 1
Provider 1054 World Organisation for Animal Health Active 0 1 1
Provider 1055 CGIAR Active 0 1 1
Provider 1056 Organisation of American States Active 0 0 1
Provider 1057 UN Development Coordination Office Active 0 1 1
Provider 1058 IMF Resilience and Sustainability Trust Active 0 1 1
Provider 1311 Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization Active 0 1 1
Provider 1312 Global Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider 1313 Global Green Growth Institute Active 0 1 1
Provider 1401 WTO - International Trade Centre Active 0 1 1
Provider 1403 Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Active 0 0 1
Provider 1404 World Trade Organisation Active 0 1 1
Provider 1406 United Nations Industrial Development Organization Active 0 1 1
Provider 1601 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1602 Dutch Postcode Lottery Active 0 1 0
Provider 1603 Swedish Postcode Lottery Active 0 1 0
Provider 1604 People's Postcode Lottery Active 0 1 0
Provider 1605 MetLife Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1606 Mastercard Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1608 IKEA Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1609 Bernard van Leer Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1610 MAVA Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1611 Oak Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1612 H&M Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1613 Laudes Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1614 Charity Projects Ltd (Comic Relief) Active 0 1 0
Provider 1615 Children's Investment Fund Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1616 Gatsby Charitable Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1617 Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1618 David and Lucile Packard Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1619 John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1620 Carnegie Corporation of New York Active 0 1 0
Provider 1621 Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1622 Omidyar Network Fund, Inc. Active 0 1 0
Provider 1623 Rockefeller Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1624 William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1625 Arcus Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1626 Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1627 Ford Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1628 Wellcome Trust Active 0 1 0
Provider 1629 UBS Optimus Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1630 World Diabetes Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1631 McKnight Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1632 Citi Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1633 LEGO Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1634 Norwegian Postcode Lottery Active 0 1 0
Provider 1636 Jacobs Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1637 Arcadia Fund Active 0 1 0
Provider 1638 Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1639 La Caixa Banking Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1640 Bloomberg Family Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1641 Susan T. Buffett Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1642 Howard G. Buffett Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1643 Open Society Foundations Active 0 1 0
Provider 1644 Fondation Botnar Active 0 1 0
Provider 1645 CHANEL Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1646 Bezos Earth Fund Active 0 1 0
Provider 1647 German Postcode Lottery Active 0 1 0
Provider 1648 Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust Active 0 1 0
Provider 1649 Novo Nordisk Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider 1650 Good Ventures Foundation Active 0 1 0
Provider Agency 1 1 Federal Ministry of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 2 Various ministries Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 3 Federal Government of Austria Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 4 Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 5 Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 6 Provincial governments, local communities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 7 Federal Chancellery Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 8 Austrian Development Agency Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 9 FM of Education, Science and Research Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 10 Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 11 FM of Defense Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 12 Ministry of Interior Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 13 Austrian Development Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 14 Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 15 Ministry for Science, Research and Economy Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 16 Federal Ministry of Education and Women's Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 17 Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 98 Other Public Bodies Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 2 10 Directorate General for Co-operation and Development Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 2 20 Official Federal Service of Foreign Affaires (excl. DGCD) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 2 22 Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 2 30 Official Federal Service of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 2 31 Ducroire National Office Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 2 39 Other Official Federal Services Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 2 60 provinces/municipalities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 2 70 Flanders Official Regional Ministries Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 2 80 Walloon Official Regional Ministries Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 2 91 Brussels Official Regional Ministries Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 2 94 German speaking Official Regional Ministries Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 2 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 3 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 3 2 Danish International Development Agency Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 3 3 Investment Fund For Developing Countries Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 3 4 Other ministries Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 3 5 Ministry for Immigration, Integration and Housing Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 3 72 Eksport Kredit Fonden Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 3 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 1 Government Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 2 MINEFI/NATEXIS Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 3 French Development Agency Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 6 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 7 MAE/FSP Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 8 COOP DECENTRAL/MAE Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 9 MAE/COOP Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 10 Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 12 Ministry of Interior Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 13 Ministry of Agriculture Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 14 Ministry of Defence Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 15 Interdepartmental Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 16 Other Ministries Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 17 Ministry of Education, Higher education and Research Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 30 MIN/EQUIPEMENT Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 35 MIN/TRANSPORTS Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 36 MIN/SANTE Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 37 MIN/TRAVAIL Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 42 MINEFI/BDF Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 43 Coface Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 44 Proparco Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 45 STOA Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 46 CIRAD Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 47 IRD Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 91 TRESOR Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 92 SEU Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 93 PTT Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 94 ORTF Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 4 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 1 Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 2 KfW Bankengruppe (KfW banking group) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 4 Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH (German Investment and Development Company) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 5 Federal Ministry of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 7 Federal Foreign Office Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 9 Federal Ministry for the Enviroment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 12 Federal States and Local Governments Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 14 Federal Institutions Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 15 Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 16 Federal Ministries Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 17 Foundations/Societies/Misc. (non federal) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 34 Euler Hermes Aktiengesellschaft Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 52 Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂĽr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 60 Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 61 Federal Ministry of Justice Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 62 Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 63 Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 64 Federal Ministry of Defence Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 65 Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 66 Federal Ministry of Health Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 67 Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 68 Federal Ministry of Education and Research Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 69 Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 70 German Bundestag Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 71 Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 72 Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 80 Land Schleswig-Holstein Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 81 Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 82 Land Lower-Saxony Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 83 Free Hanseatic City of Bremen Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 84 Land North Rhine-Westphalia Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 85 Land Hesse Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 86 Land Rhineland-Palatinate Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 87 Land Baden-WĂĽrttemberg Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 88 Free State of Bavaria Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 89 Land Saarland Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 90 Land Berlin Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 91 Land Brandenburg Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 92 Land Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 93 Land Saxony-Anhalt Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 94 Free State of Saxony Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 95 Free State of Thuringia Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 5 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 1 MGI Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 2 Agenzia Erogazioni Per l'Agricoltura Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 3 OGPI Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 4 Agenzia italiana per la cooperazione allo sviluppo Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 5 MC Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 7 Central administration Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 8 Local administration Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 9 Artigiancassa Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 10 Earmarked fiscal flows to NGOs & religious organisations Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 11 Public universities, research institutes and Italian red cross Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 12 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 13 Ministry of Economy and Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 14 Italian Society for Enterprises Abroad Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 15 Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 16 Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 17 Third Party funds administered by CDP Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 74 Sezione Speciale per l'Assicurazione del Credito all'Esportazione Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 6 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 7 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 7 3 NG Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 7 4 NLD Gov. through NLD Inv Bank for Developing Countries Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 7 5 FMO Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 7 6 Ministry for Justice and Security Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 7 33 NCM Credit Management Worldwide Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 7 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 8 1 Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 8 4 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 8 7 Innovation Norway Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 8 8 NORFUND Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 8 9 Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 8 10 Office of the Auditor General Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 8 11 Ministry of Defence Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 8 12 Ministry of Climate and Environment Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 8 13 Ministry of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 8 14 Ministry of Education and Research Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 8 15 Ministry of Children and Families Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 8 16 Ministry of Justice and Public Security Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 8 17 Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 8 18 Ministry of Health and Care Services Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 8 19 The Research Council of Norway Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 8 71 Garantiinstituttet for eksportkreditt Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 8 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 9 1 Portuguese Government Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 9 2 Camões-Institute for Cooperation and Language Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 9 3 Municipalities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 9 4 SOFID Sociedade para o Financiamento do Desenvolvimento Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 9 71 Conselho de garantias financeiras Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 9 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 1 SIDA Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 3 SG Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 4 SAREC Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 5 BITS Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 6 Swedish International Development Authority Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 11 Ministry of the Environment Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 13 Swedish Migration Agency Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 20 Folke Bernadotte Academy Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 21 The Nordic Africa Institute Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 22 SwedFund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 23 Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 24 Swedish Institute Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 25 Swedish Prison and Probation Service Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 27 Swedish National Audit Office Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 28 Swedish Radiation Safety Authority Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 29 The Swedish Research Council Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 30 Swedish Council for Higher Education Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 31 Swedish Prosecution Authority Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 32 Swedish National Courts Administration Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 36 Swedish Police Authority Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 37 Swedish Consumer Agency Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 38 Swedish National Debt Office Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 39 National Board of Trade Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 71 Swedish Export Credits Guarantee Board Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 80 Statistics Sweden Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 10 81 Formas Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 10 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 11 1 Federal Administration (various departments) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 11 4 Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 11 5 State Secretariat for Economic Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 11 6 Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 11 7 State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 11 8 State Secretariat for Migration Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 11 9 Federal Department for Defence, Civil Protection and Sports Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 11 10 Federal Office for the Environment Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 11 11 Cantons and municipalities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 11 22 Swiss Investment Fund for Emerging Markets Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 11 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 1 Department for International Development Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 2 British International Investment Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 3 Foreign & Commonwealth Office Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 4 Department of Energy and Climate Change Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 5 Export Credit Guarantee Department Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 6 Home Office Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 7 Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 8 Ministry of Defence Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 9 Department for Work and Pensions Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 10 Department of Health and Social Care Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 11 Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 12 Department for Culture, Media and Sports Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 13 Prosperity Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 14 Conflict stability and security fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 15 HM Revenue and Customs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 16 Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 17 Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 21 Scottish Government Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 22 Welsh Assembly Government Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 23 FSD Africa (FSDA) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 24 Department for Education Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 25 Mobilising Finance for Forests Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 26 UK-India Tech Start-up Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 27 Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 28 Innovative Ventures and Technologies for Development Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 29 Mobilising Institutional Capital Through Listed Product Structures Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 30 UK Climate Investments Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 12 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 18 1 Finnish Government Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 18 2 FinnFund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 18 3 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 18 4 Other Ministries Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 18 72 FinnVera Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 18 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 20 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 20 2 ICEIDA Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 20 3 ICRU Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 20 4 Ministry of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 20 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 21 1 Department of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 21 2 Department of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 21 3 Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 21 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 22 1 Lux-Development Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 22 2 Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 22 3 Ministry of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 22 4 Ministry of Culture Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 22 5 Ministry of Health Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 22 22 Ducroire Office Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 22 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 26 1 Government of Monaco Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 30 1 Cyprus Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 40 1 Ministry of the Interior Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 40 2 Ministry of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 40 3 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 40 4 Ministry of National Defense Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 40 5 Ministry of Development, Competitiveness & Shipping Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 40 6 Ministry of the Environment, Energy & Climate Change Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 40 7 Ministry of Education, Life Long Learning & Religions Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 40 8 Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 40 9 Ministry of Employment & Social Security Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 40 10 Ministry of Health & Social Solidarity Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 40 11 Ministry of Agricultural Development & Food Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 40 12 Ministry of Justice, Transparency & Human Rights Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 40 13 Ministry of Citizen Protection Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 40 14 Ministry of Culture & Tourism Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 40 15 Municipalities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 40 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 45 1 Malta Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 1 Instituto de Credito Oficial Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 2 Compania Espanola de Seguros de Credito a la Exportacion Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 4 Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 5 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Co-operation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 6 Ministry of Economy and Business Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 7 Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 8 Ministry of Public Works Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 9 Ministry of Industry and Energy Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 10 Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Environs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 11 Ministry of Health Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 12 Ministry of Labour, Migration and Social Security Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 13 Ministry of Interior Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 14 Ministry of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 15 Autonomous Governments Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 16 Municipalities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 18 Ministry of Science and Technology Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 19 Ministry of Defense Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 20 Public Universities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 21 Spanish Agency for International Development Co-operation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 22 Others ministries Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 30 Comunidad AutĂłnoma de AndalucĂ­a Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 31 Comunidad AutĂłnoma de AragĂłn Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 32 Comunidad AutĂłnoma del Principado de Asturias Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 33 Comunidad AutĂłnoma de las Illes Balears Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 34 Comunidad AutĂłnoma de Canarias Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 35 Comunidad AutĂłnoma de Cantabria Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 36 Comunidad de Castilla y LeĂłn Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 37 Comunidad AutĂłnoma de Castilla-La Mancha Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 38 Comunidad Autónoma de Cataluña Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 39 Comunidad Valenciana Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 40 Comunidad AutĂłnoma de Extremadura Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 41 Comunidad AutĂłnoma de Galicia Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 42 Comunidad de Madrid Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 43 Comunidad AutĂłnoma de la RegiĂłn de Murcia Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 44 Comunidad Foral de Navarra Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 45 Comunidad AutĂłnoma del PaĂ­s Vasco o de Euskadi Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 46 Comunidad AutĂłnoma de La Rioja Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 47 Ciudad de Ceuta Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 48 Ciudad de Melilla Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 59 Compañía Española de Financiación del Desarrollo Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 50 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 55 1 TĂĽrkiye Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 55 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 61 1 Ministry of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 61 2 Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 61 3 Ministry of the Interior Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 61 4 Ministry of Defence Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 61 5 Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 61 6 Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 61 7 Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 61 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 1 Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 2 Ministry of Croatian Veterans Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 3 National Protection and Rescue Directorate Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 4 Ministry of Health Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 5 Ministry of Agriculture Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 6 Ministry for Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 7 Ministry of Justice Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 8 Ministry of Science and Education Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 9 Ministry of Tourism and Sports Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 10 Central State Office for Croats Abroad Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 11 Croatian National Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 12 Ministry of Environment and Energy Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 13 Ministry of Labour and Pension System Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 14 Ministry of the Interior Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 15 Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 16 Office for Cooperation with NGOs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 17 Central Government Office for Reconstruction and Housing Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 18 Ministry of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 19 Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 20 Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 21 Ministry of Culture and Media Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 23 Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funding of Croatia Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 24 Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 62 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 1 Czech Development Agency Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 3 Ministry of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 4 Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 5 Ministry of Interior Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 6 Police Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 7 Ministry of Defence Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 8 Ministry of Health Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 9 Ministry of Industry and Trade Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 10 Czech National Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 11 Ministry of Justice Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 12 Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 13 Universities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 14 Regional Governments and Municipalities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 15 Ministry of Environment Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 16 State Office for Nuclear Saftey Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 17 Czech Export Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 18 EGAP Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 19 Ministry of Agriculture Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 20 Ministry of Regional Development Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 68 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 69 1 Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MZVaEZ) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 69 2 Slovak Agency for International Deve (SAMRS) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 69 3 Ministry of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 69 4 Ministry of Education, Science, Rese (MSVVS) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 69 5 Ministry of Interior Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 69 18 Other ministries Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 69 30 Local and Regional governments Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 69 50 Export-Import bank Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 69 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 70 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 70 2 Municipalities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 72 1 Bulgaria Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 75 1 Ministry of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 75 2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 75 3 Office of Immigration and Nationality Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 75 4 Ministry of Interior Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 75 5 Ministry of Human Capacities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 75 6 Ministry of Defence Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 75 7 Ministry of Agriculture Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 75 8 Ministry of Justice Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 75 9 Ministry for Innovation and Technology Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 75 10 Prime Minister's Office Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 75 21 Hungarian Export Import Bank PLC Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 75 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 76 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 76 2 Ministry of Education and Science Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 76 3 Ministry of Interior and Administration Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 76 4 Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 76 5 Ministry of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 76 6 Ministry of Climate and Environment Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 76 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 2 Ministry of Public Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 3 Senate of Romania Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 4 Ministry of National Defence Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 6 National Integrity Agency Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 8 Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 12 National Agency of Civil Servants Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 13 Youth and Sports Ministry Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 14 Ministry of Justice Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 16 Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 17 Ministry of Culture Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 18 National Agency for Fiscal Administration Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 20 Ministry of Internal Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 22 Ministry of Health Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 23 Ministry of Information Society Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 26 Permanent Electoral Authority Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 28 Ministry of Education and Scientific Research Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 29 Chamber of Deputies Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 30 Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 31 Romanian Government Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 32 Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 33 Public Ministry Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 34 National Anticorruption Directorate Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 35 Ministry of Tourism Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 36 ROAID Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 37 Nuclear Agency for Radioactive Waste Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 38 National Agency for State Reserves and Special Problems Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 77 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 82 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 82 2 Other Ministries Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 82 3 Other Public Sector Institutions Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 82 4 Local Authorites Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 83 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 83 2 Other ministries and institutions Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 83 3 Local and regional governments Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 84 1 Government of the Republic of Lithuania Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 84 2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 84 3 Ministry of National Defense Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 84 4 Ministry of Environment Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 84 5 Ministry of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 84 6 Ministry of Economy Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 84 7 Ministry of Education and Science Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 84 8 Ministry of Transport and Communications Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 84 9 Ministry of Energy Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 84 10 Ministry of Health Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 84 11 Ministry of Agriculture Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 84 12 Ministry of the Interior Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 84 13 Ministry of Social Security and Labour Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 84 14 Ministry of Justice Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 84 15 Ministry of Culture Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 84 20 Governments and Agencies and Other public institutions and Agencies Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 84 30 Local Authorities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 87 1 Russia Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 104 1 Nordic Development Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 104 2 Energy and Environment Partnership Trust Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 261 1 Directorate of Technical Aid Corps Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 301 1 Canadian International Development Agency Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 301 2 International Development Research Centre Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 301 3 Global Affairs Canada Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 301 4 Department of Finance Canada Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 301 6 Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 301 7 Department of National Defence Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 301 8 Royal Canadian Mounted Police of Canada Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 301 9 Provincial Governments and municipalities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 301 10 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 301 11 Environment and Climate Change Canada Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 301 22 FinDev Canada Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 301 31 Export Development Canada Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 301 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 1 Agency for International Development Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 2 Department of Agriculture Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 6 Department of the Treasury Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 7 Department of Defense Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 9 Department of the Interior Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 10 Peace Corps Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 11 State Department Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 12 Trade and Development Agency Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 13 African Development Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 14 Department of Health and Human Services Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 15 Department of Justice Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 16 Department of Commerce Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 17 Department of Labor Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 18 Millennium Challenge Corporation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 19 Department of Homeland Security Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 20 Department of Energy Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 21 Inter-American Development Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 22 Overseas Private Investment Corporation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 23 Federal Trade Commission Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 26 Department of Transportation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 28 Open World Leadership Center Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 31 Export Import Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 32 Environmental Protection Agency Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 34 International Development Finance Corporation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 40 Private flows Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 302 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 336 1 International Cooperation Area (ACI) of MIDEPLAN Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 336 2 Ministry of Public Education (MEP) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 336 3 Costa Rican Institute of Electricity (ICE) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 336 4 Children’s Board of Costa Rica (PANI) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 336 5 Ministry of Health (MINSA) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 336 6 Deputy Ministry of Environment, National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 336 7 Local government Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 336 8 Academia Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 336 9 National Women Institute Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 336 10 Judicial Branch Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 336 11 Mixes Social Aid Institute Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 336 12 General Directorate of Migration Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 336 99 Other Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 340 1 Ministry of Economy, Plannning and Development Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 340 2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 340 3 Ministry of Culture Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 340 4 Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 340 5 Ministry of Labour Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 340 6 Ministry of Tourism Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 340 7 Ministry of Women Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 340 8 Attorney General's Office Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 340 99 Others Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 1 Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 358 2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 3 Ministry of Defence Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 4 Ministry of Finance and Public Credit Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 5 Ministry of Welfare Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 6 Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 7 Ministry of Energy Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 8 Ministry of Economy Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 9 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 10 Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 11 Ministry of Public Function Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 12 Ministry of Public Education Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 13 Ministry of Health Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 14 Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 15 Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 16 National Council for Science and Technology Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 17 Ministry of Culture Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 18 National Institute for the Development of Indigenous Peoples Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 19 National Electoral Institute Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 20 Institute National Institute of Statistics and Geography Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 21 National Commission of the Retirement Savings System Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 22 Mexican Social Security Institute Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 23 Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 24 Federal Institute for Access to Public Information and Data Protection Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 25 Other Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 358 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 431 1 Brazilian Cooperation Agency Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 431 2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 431 3 Central Bank Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 431 4 Ministry of Citizenship Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 431 5 Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 431 6 National Council for Scientific and Technological Development Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 431 7 National Water and Sanitation Agency Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 431 8 Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 431 9 National Institute of Cancer Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 431 10 National School of Public Administration  Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 431 11 Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 431 12 Ministry of Education Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 431 13 Ministry of Health Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 431 14 Public Universities Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 431 15 Ministry of Economy Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 431 16 Ministry of Defence Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 431 99 Others Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 434 1 Agencia Chilena para la cooperaciĂłn internacional al desarrollo Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 437 1 Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 440 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 440 2 Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 440 3 Ministry of Culture and Heritage Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 440 4 Ministry of Production, International Trade, Investment and Fisheries Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 440 5 Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 440 6 Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecologic Transition Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 440 7 National Council for Disabilities' Equality Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 440 8 Ministry of Telecomunications and Information Society Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 440 9 Department of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 440 99 Other Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 454 1 National Civil Service Authority Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 454 2 Public Procurement Office Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 454 3 National Institute of Statistics and Informatics Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 454 4 Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 454 5 Ministry of Agricultural Development and Irrigation Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 454 6 Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 454 7 Ministry for Women and Vulnerable Population Groups Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 454 8 Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 454 9 National Prosecution Ministry Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 454 10 Public Procurement Regulatory Agency Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 454 11 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 454 99 Others Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 460 1 Uruguayan Agency of International Co-operation Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 460 2 Ministry of Environment Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 460 3 National Institute of Statistics Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 460 99 Others Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 546 1 Israel MASHAV Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 2 Israeli public universities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 3 Ministry of Education Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 4 Ministry of Aliyah and Integration Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 5 local government - Municipal authorities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 6 Water Authority Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 7 Ministry of Agriculture Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 8 Ministry of Construction and Housing Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 9 Prime Minister's Office Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 10 Ministry of Economics Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 11 The Office for Regional Cooperation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 12 Ministry of the Environment Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 13 Ministry of Welfare and Social Services Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 14 Ministry of Health Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 15 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 16 Ministry of Tourism Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 17 Ministry of Science Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 18 Ministry of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 19 Ministry of Transportation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 20 Ministry of Justice Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 546 21 Ministry of Communication Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 551 1 Palestinian International Cooperation Agency Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 552 1 Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 552 2 Government Grants administered by KFAED Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 552 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 561 1 Qatar Fund for Development Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 561 2 Doha Institute Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 561 3 Qatar Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 561 4 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 561 5 Ministry of Public Health Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 561 6 Qatar University Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 561 7 Qatar Airways Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 561 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 566 1 King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 566 2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 566 3 King Abdullah International Foundation for Humanitarian Activities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 566 4 Other Governmental Entities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 566 5 Saudi Campaigns Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 566 6 Saudi Development Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 566 7 Ministry of Education Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 566 8 Saudi Red Crescent Authority Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 566 9 Ministry of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 566 10 Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 566 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 576 2 Abu Dhabi Department of Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 576 3 Abu Dhabi Fund for Development Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 576 5 Abu Dhabi Future Energy Co. Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 576 7 International Humanitarian City Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 576 8 Mohamed Bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 576 9 Ministry of International Cooperation and Development Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 576 17 Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 576 18 Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Humanitarian and Charity Establishment Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 576 19 Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 576 20 Al Maktoum Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 576 21 Dubai Cares Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 576 22 UAE Red Crescent Authority Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 576 23 Noor Dubai Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 576 25 Other Government Entities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 576 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 611 1 Government of Azerbaijan Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 611 2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 611 3 Ministry of Emergency Situations Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 611 4 MFA/Azerbaijan International Development Agency Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 611 5 State Customs Committee Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 611 6 Ministry of Culture and Tourism Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 611 7 Ministry of Youth and Sport Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 611 8 Ministry of Health Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 611 9 Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 611 10 Ministry of Defence Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 613 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 613 2 Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 613 3 Ministry of Education and Science Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 613 4 Sovereign Wealth Fund (Samruk-Kazyna) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 613 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 701 1 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 701 2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 701 4 EXIM BANK Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 701 5 OECF Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 701 6 FOOD AID Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 701 7 Overseas Fishery Co-operation Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 701 8 Japanese International Co-operation Agency Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 701 10 Japan Overseas Development Co-operation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 701 11 Japan Bank for International Co-operation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 701 12 Other Ministries Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 701 13 Public Corporations Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 701 14 Prefectures Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 701 15 Ordinance-designed Cities Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 701 16 Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 701 71 Nippon Export and Investment Insurance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 701 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 732 1 Chinese Taipei Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 738 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 2 Ministry of National Development Planning Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 3 Ministry of Finance Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 4 Ministry of State Secretariat Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 5 Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 6 Ministry for Women Empowerment and Child Protection Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 7 Ministry of Health Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 8 Ministry of Industry Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 9 Ministry of Agriculture Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 10 Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 11 Indonesian National Police Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 12 Ministry of Public Works and Housing Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 13 Infrastructure Planning Center, Regional Infrastructure Development Agency Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 14 Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 15 Ministry of Trade Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 16 Ministry of Education and Culture Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 17 National Agency of Drug and Food Control Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 18 Ministry of Research and Technology Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 19 Eximbank Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 20 Indonesian Agency for International Development Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 738 99 miscellaneous Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 742 1 Ministry of Strategy and Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 742 2 Export-Import Bank of Korea Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 742 3 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 742 4 Korea International Cooperation Agency Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 742 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 764 1 Thailand Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 765 1 Timor Leste Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 801 2 Attorney-General Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 801 5 Australian Government Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 801 72 Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 801 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 807 1 Assessed contributions - UN regular budget Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 807 2 Environment Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 807 3 Multilateral Fund under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 807 4 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) - Assessed contributions Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 807 5 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) - Voluntary Contributions Non-core - developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 6 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) - Voluntary Contributions Non-Core - TOSSD only Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 7 UNEP programme support Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 8 Other Support to UNEP POW Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 9 Other Support to UNEP POW Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 10 Basel, Rotterdan and Stocholm coneventions (BRS)- assessed contributions Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 11 Basel, Rotterdan and Stocholm conventions (BRS) - Voluntary Contributions Non-core - developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 12 Basel, Rotterdan and Stocholm conventions (BRS) - Voluntary Contributions Non-core TOSSD only Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 13 Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) - assessed contributions Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 14 Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) - Voluntary Contributions Non-core developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 15 Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) - Voluntary Contributions Non-core TOSSD only Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 16 Bamako Convention - Assessed Contribution Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 17 Bamako Convention - Voluntary Non-Core Contributions Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 18 Carpathian Convention - assessed Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 19 Carpathian Convention - Voluntary Contributions Non-core developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 20 Carpathian Convention - Voluntary Contributions Non-Core - TOSSD only Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 21 Action Plan for the Carribean Environment Programme - assessed Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 22 Action Plan for the Carribean Environment Programme - Voluntary Contributions Non-core - developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 23 Action Plan for the Carribean Environment Programme - Voluntary Contributions Non-Core - TOSSD only Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 24 Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) - Voluntary Contributions Non-core - developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 25 Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services - (IPBES) Voluntary Contributions Non-core - TOSSD only Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 26 Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) - Assessed contributions - developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 27 Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) - Voluntary Contributions Non-core - TOSSD only Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 28 Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) - Voluntary Contributions Non-core - developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 29 Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) - Voluntary Contributions Non-core - TOSSD only Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 30 Minamata Convention on Mercury (MCV) - Assessed Contributions Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 31 Minamata Convention on Mercury (MCV) - Voluntary Contributions Non-core - developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 32 Minamata Convention on Mercury (MCV) - Voluntary Contributions Non-core - TOSSD only Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 33 Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) - Assessed Contributions - developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 34 Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) - Assessed Contributions - TOSSD only Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 35 Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) - Voluntary Contributions Non-core - developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 36 Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) - Voluntary Contributions Non-core - TOSSD only Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 37 Ozone Treaties (Monteral Protocol and Vienna Convention) - Assessed Contributions - developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 38 Ozone Treaties (Monteral Protocol and Vienna Convention) - Assessed Contributions - TOSSD only Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 39 Ozone Treaties (Monteral Protocol and Vienna Convention) - Voluntary Contributions Non-core - developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 40 Ozone Treaties (Monteral Protocol and Vienna Convention) - Voluntary Contributions Non-core - TOSSD only Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 41 Convention for the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Atlantic Coast of the West, Central and Southern Africa Region - Assessed Contributions Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 42 Convention for the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Atlantic Coast of the West, Central and Southern Africa Region - Non-core Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 43 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) - Assessed Contributions Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 44 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) - Voluntary Contributions Non-core - developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 45 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) - Voluntary Contributions Non-core - TOSSD only Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 46 UNEP, core and earmarked, developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 807 47 UNEP Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 811 1 GEF (general) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 811 11 GEF Trust Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 811 12 Least Developed Countries Trust Fund (LDCF) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 811 13 Special Climate Change Trust Fund (SCCF) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 811 14 Nagoya Protocol Implementation Fund (NPIF) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 811 15 GEF Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 811 16 GEF Multi-Trust Funds Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 811 17 GEF - regional and global Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 811 18 GEF - earmarked Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 812 1 Montreal Protocol Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 820 1 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 820 2 New Zealand International Aid and Development Agency Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 820 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 901 1 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 901 2 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 901 3 International Finance Corporation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 901 4 International Development Association Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 906 1 Caribbean Development Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 906 2 EU Sustainable Energy for the Eastern Caribbean Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 906 3 UK Sustainable Energy for the Eastern Caribbean Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 906 4 United Kingdom Infrastructure Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 906 5 Canadian Support to the Energy Sector in the Caribbean Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 906 6 EIB Climate Action Line of Credit Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 906 7 CDB-administered Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 906 8 Canada - CARICOM Climate Adaptation Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 906 9 EU Caribbean Infrastructure Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 906 10 Other non-core resources Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 906 11 11th European Development Fund Economic Partnership Agreement and CARICOM Single Market and Economy Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 906 99 semi-aggregates, non-core Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 907 1 IMF Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 909 1 Inter-American Development Bank Group Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 909 2 Fund for Special Operations Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 909 3 Fund for Special Operations-Ordinary Capital Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 909 4 Ordinary Capital Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 909 5 Multilateral Investment Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 909 6 Grant Facility Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 909 11 Clean Technology Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 909 13 Global Agriculture & Food Security Program Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 14 Strategic Climate Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 909 15 Small Enterprise Development Facility Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 909 16 Small Enterprise Investment Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 909 17 Human Resource Facility Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 909 18 IDB Grant Facility Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 909 20 Fund for Increasing Productivity Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 909 21 Transparency Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 22 NDC Pipeline Accelerator Multidonor Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 23 Ad Hoc Contributions Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 24 Aid for Trade Strategic Thematic Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 25 Partnership Trust Fund for Poverty Reduction in Latin America Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 26 Brazilian Cofinancing Account Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 27 Canada Cooperation Framework Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 28 Compete Caribbean Partnership Facility Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 29 Canadian Fund for Universal Legal Identity in Latin America and the Caribbean Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 30 Canadian Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 31 China Co-Financing Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 32 Canadian Joint Financing Programs Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 33 Cofinancing Special Grants Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 34 Sustainable Colombia Facility Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 35 Canadian Climate Fund for the Private Sector in the Americas Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 36 DEFRA Cofinancing Account Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 37 Early Childhood Development Innovation Multidonor Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 38 European Commission Amended and Restated Framework Agreement Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 39 European Commission Framework Accout Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 40 Sustainable Emerging Cities Multidonor Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 41 Readiness Fund of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 42 Spanish Trust Fund for the Entrepreneurship Program Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 43 Spanish General Cooperation Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 44 Global Infrastructure Facility Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 45 Finnish Technical Assistance Program Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 46 Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 47 Haiti Reconstruction Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 48 Italian Trust Fund for Regional Competitiveness Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 49 Institutional Capacity Strengthening Thematic Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 50 INTAL Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 51 Italian Fund for Technical Cooperation Projects Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 52 Italian Trust Fund for the Preparation of MIF Projects Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 53 Japanese Consultants Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 54 Japan Special Fund Poverty Reduction Program Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 55 Japan Private Public Partnership Financing Account Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 56 Japan Special Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 57 Knowledge Multidonor Economy Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 58 Korea Infrastructure Development Co-Financing Facility for Latin America and the Caribbean Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 59 Public Capacity Building Korea Fund for Economic Development Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 60 Knowledge Partnership Korea Fund for Technology and Innovation Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 61 Korea Poverty Reduction Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 62 Korea Private Sector Development and Innovation Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 63 LAIF grant to CC and W&S Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 64 Low Carbon Agriculture for Avoided Deforestation and Poverty Reduction Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 65 Multidonor AquaFund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 66 AgroLAC 2025 Multidonor Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 67 Multidonor Fund for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 68 Multidonor Fund for Citizen Security Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 69 Multidonor Disaster Prevention Fund  Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 70 Malaria Elimination Blending Facility Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 71 Multi-Donor Regional Integration Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 72 Gender and Diversity Multidonor Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 73 Mesoamerica Health Facility Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 74 Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Multi-donor Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 75 Portuguese Technical Cooperation Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 76 Regional Fund for Agriculture Technology Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 77 Technical Cooperation and Small Projects Swiss Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 78 Spanish Fund for Water and Sanitation Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 79 United Kingdom Sustainable Infrastructure Program Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 80 Government of Spain - Quincentennial Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 81 Social Progress Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 82 Swiss Technical Cooperation Fund for Consulting Services and Training Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 83 Specialized Financial Intermediary Development Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 84 FMM Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 85 GRN Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 86 MCB Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 87 NDV Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 88 SCC Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 89 Amazon Bioeconomy and Forest Management Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 90 UK Blue Carbon Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 91 Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 92 Global Concessional Financing Facility Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 93 Multidonor Trust Fund for the Development of Sustainable Cities in Latin America and the Caribbean Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 94 Fostering Fiscal Policy for Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 95 French Climate Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 96 Development Fund for the Ecuador-Colombia Border Integration Zone Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 97 Development Fund for the Colombia-Peru Border Integration Zone Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 98 Low Carbon Energy Fund for People and Planet Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 99 France-IDB Natural Capital Lab Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 100 Norwegian Grant for Guyana Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 101 Nama Facility Account Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 102 Multi-Donor Fund for the Transformation of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 909 103 Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 910 1 Ordinary capital Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 910 2 CABEI - non-core funding Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 913 1 AfDB Ordinary Capital Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 913 11 AfDB Middle Income Country Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 913 12 AfDB Special Relief Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 913 14 AfDB NEPAD/IPPF Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 913 15 AfDB African Water Facility Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 913 16 Fund for African Private Sector Assistance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 913 20 Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 913 21 Zimbabwe Multi Donor Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 913 22 Africa Digital Financial Inclusion Facility Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 913 23 The Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 914 1 AfDF Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 914 2 NTF Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 914 13 AfDB Fragile States Facility Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 1 Asian Development Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 2 Asia Pacific Disaster Response Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 3 Climate Change Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 4 Pakistan Earthquake Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 5 Japan Special Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 6 Japan Fund for Prosperous and Resilient Asia and the Pacific Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 11 Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 12 Regional Cooperation and Integration Fund (RCIF) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 13 Financial Sector Development Partnership Special Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 14 Clean Technology Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 15 Strategic Climate Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 16 Strategic Climate Fund - Forest Investment Program Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 17 Strategic Climate Fund - Scaling Up Renewable Energy in LICs Program Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 19 ASEAN Infrastructure Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 20 Canadian Climate Fund For The Private Sector In Asia Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 21 Canadian Climate Fund For The Private Sector In Asia II Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 22 Global Environment Facility Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 23 Green Climate Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 24 Leading Asia's Private Sector Infrastructure Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 915 25 Other non-core resources Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 30 Afghanistan Infrastructure Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 31 ASEAN Australia Smart Cities Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 32 Asia Pacific Project Preparation Facility Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 33 Asia-Pacific Climate Finance Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 34 Asian Clean Energy Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 35 Australian Technical Assistance Grant Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 36 Carbon Capture and Storage Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 37 Cities Development Initiative for Asia Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 38 Clean Energy Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 39 Cooperation Fund for Project Preparation in the Greater Mekong Subregion and in Other Specific Asian Countries Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 40 Cooperation Fund in Support of Managing for Development Results Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 41 Gender and Development Cooperation Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 42 Governance Cooperation Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 43 High-Level Technology Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 44 Integrated Disaster Risk Management Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 45 Investment Climate Facilitation Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 46 Ireland Trust Fund for Building Climate Change and Disaster Resilience in Small Island Developing States Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 47 Japan Fund for Information and Communication Technology Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 48 Japan Fund for the Joint Crediting Mechanism Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 49 Multidonor Trust Fund under the Water Financing Partnership Facility Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 50 People's Republic of China (PRC) Poverty Reduction and Regional Cooperation Fund (formerly PRC Regional Cooperation and Poverty Reduction Fund) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 51 Project Readiness Improvement Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 52 Republic of Korea e-Asia and Knowledge Partnership Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 53 Sanitation Financing Partnership Trust Fund under the Water Financing Partnership Facility Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 54 Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 55 Urban Environmental Infrastructure Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 56 Pakistan Economic Corridors Programme Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 57 Global Agriculture and Food Security Program Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 58 Global Partnership for Education Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 59 United Kingdom Fund for Asia Regional Trade and Connectivity Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 60 ADB Ventures Investment Fund 1 Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 61 ADB Co-financed Assistance Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 915 62 Climate Innovation and Development Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 918 1 European Commission Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 918 2 European Development Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 918 3 European Investment Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 918 4 Humanitarian Aid Office of the European Commission Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 918 5 Macro-Financial Assistance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 918 99 Miscellaneous Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 921 1 Arab Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 923 1 UNPBF Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 926 1 Council of Europe (CoE) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 928 1 WHO Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 928 2 WHO Assessed contributions Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 928 3 WHO Core Voluntary contributions Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 928 4 In-kind contributions Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 928 5 Voluntary contributions Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 928 6 WHO - regional and global (non-developmental) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 928 7 WHO Assessed contributions - regional and global (non-developmental) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 928 8 WHO Core Voluntary contributions - regional and global (non-developmental) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 928 9 In-kind contributions - regional and global (non-developmental) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 928 10 Voluntary contributions - regional and global (non-developmental) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 928 11 WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 928 12 WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control – non-developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 928 13 European Observatory of Health Systems Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 928 14 Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 928 15 Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 928 16 Expanded Special Project for Elimination of Neglected Tropical Disease Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 932 1 Core resources - developmental Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 932 2 Voluntary earmarked contributions – developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 932 3 Core resources - global and TOSSD-only activities Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 932 4 Voluntary earmarked contributions - global and TOSSD-only activities Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 940 1 Regular Budget Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 940 2 Regular Budget Technical Cooperation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 940 3 Regular Budget Supplementary Account Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 940 4 Voluntary non-core funding - developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 940 5 Regular Budget - regional and global (non-developmental part) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 940 6 Regular Budget Technical Cooperation - regional and global (non-developmental part) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 940 7 Voluntary non-core funding – regional and global (non developmental part) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 944 1 IAEA Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 948 1 UNECE Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 951 1 OPEC Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 953 1 Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 958 1 IMF concessional Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 959 1 UNDP Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 959 2 Voluntary non-core funding Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 959 3 UNDP- Global and regional activities Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 962 1 Voluntary earmarked resources Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 962 2 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - Regular budget Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 963 1 UNICEF Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 963 2 Voluntary non-core funding Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 964 1 UNRWA Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 964 2 Voluntary non-core funding Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 966 1 WFP Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 966 2 Voluntary non-core funding Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 967 1 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 967 2 Voluntary non-core funding Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 971 1 UNAIDS Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 971 2 Voluntary non-core funding Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 974 1 UNFPA Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 974 2 Voluntary non-core funding Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 976 1 Ordinary Capital Resources Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 976 2 Awqaf Properties Investment Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 976 3 Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 976 4 Islamic solidarity fund for Development Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 976 5 International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 976 6 Special Assistance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 976 7 IsDB Group Science Technology and Innovation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 976 8 Trust Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 976 9 WAQF Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 978 1 Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 981 1 BSTDB Ordinary capital Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 988 1 IFAD Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 988 2 China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 988 3 Enhanced Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme (ASAP+) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 990 1 EBRD Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 997 1 FTI Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1011 10 Clean Technology Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1011 20 Strategic Climate Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1011 21 Strategic Climate Fund - FIP Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1011 22 Strategic Climate Fund - PPCR Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1011 23 Strategic Climate Fund - SREP Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1012 1 Adaptation Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1013 1 Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1013 2 Migrant and Refugee Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1013 3 Social Dividend Account Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1013 4 Migrant and Refugee Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1013 5 Regional Housing Programme Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1013 6 Regional Housing Programme EU Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1013 7 Western Balkans Investment Framework Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1013 8 Italian Fund for Innovative Projects Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1013 9 Spanish Social Cohesion Account Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1013 10 EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1013 11 Regional Housing Programme USA Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1013 12 Slovak Inclusive Growth Account Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1013 13 Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environmental Partnership Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1013 14 Strengthening Healthcare Infrastructure for All (SHIFA) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1014 1 Infrastructure Crisis Facility – Debt Pool Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1014 2 Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1014 3 GuarantCo Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1014 4 InfraCo Asia Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1014 5 InfraCo Africa Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1014 6 GAP Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1014 7 Technical Assistance Facility Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1015 1 Development Bank of Latin America Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1016 1 Green Climate Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1016 2 Private Sector Facility Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1016 3 Division of Mitigation and Adaptation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1017 1 Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1018 1 Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1019 1 IDB Invest Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1020 1 Rapid Response Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1020 2 Under Funded Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1022 1 MPTFO Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1022 2 OCHA Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1022 3 UNFPA Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1022 4 UNICEF Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1022 5 UNWOMEN Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1022 6 ILO Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1022 7 UNOPS Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1022 8 WFP Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1022 9 FAO Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1022 10 IOM Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1023 1 UNWTO-Regular Budget Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1023 2 UNWTO-Extra-Budgetary Project Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1023 3 UNWTO-Extra-Budgetary Project In-Kind Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1023 4 Voluntary non-core funding Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1024 1 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1025 1 Center of Excellence in Finance Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1026 1 SESRIC Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1036 1 UN Secretariat Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1037 1 International Investment Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1038 1 UNIDIR Trust Fund (core resources) Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1038 2 UNIDIR Trust Fund (non-core resources) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1038 3 UNIDIR Trust Fund (core resources) - non-developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1038 4 UNIDIR Trust Fund (non-core resources) - non-developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1039 1 Non-core resources Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1039 2 UNCDF Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1040 1 Voluntary non-core funding (developmental) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1040 2 Voluntary non-core funding (non-developmental) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1041 1 Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1042 1 Voluntary contributions (earmarked funding) – developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1042 2 Voluntary contributions (earmarked and unearmarked) – non-developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1043 1 Core resources Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1043 2 Non-core resources - developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1043 3 Non-core resources - other Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1044 1 New Development Bank Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1045 1 North American Development Bank Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1045 2 Community Assistance Program Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1045 3 Border Environment Infrastructure Fund Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1046 1 UN Women Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1046 2 Voluntary non-core Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1046 3 Single-agency thematic funds Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1046 4 Voluntary core – global and TOSSD-only recipients Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1046 5 Voluntary Non-Core – global and TOSSD-only recipients Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1046 6 Single-agency thematic funds - global and TOSSD-only recipients Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1047 1 COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1047 2 TOSSD-only recipients Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1048 1 Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1048 2 TOSSD-only recipients Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1049 1 ICMP core resources Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1049 2 ICMP Non-core resources Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1050 1 SPRP–Developmental Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1050 2 SPRP Developmental, earmarked resources Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1050 3 SPRP - Developmental TOSSD recipients only Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1050 4 SPRP – Global and regional activities Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1051 1 United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1052 1 ICGEB Core, developmental Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1052 2 ICGEB Core, global activities Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1053 1 AFoCO core resources Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1054 1 Statutory contribution (General budget) - Developmental Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1054 2 Statutory contribution and voluntary contributions from host country (WOAH Regional Representations) - Developmental Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1054 3 World Animal Health and Welfare Fund (World Fund) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1054 4 Statutory contribution (General Budget) – Global Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1054 5 Statutory contribution and voluntary contribution from WOAH Regional Representations – Global Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1055 1 CGIAR Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1056 1 Executive Secretariat for Integral Development Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1056 2 Directorate of Human Development Education and Employment Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1056 3 Directorate of Economic Development Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1056 4 Directorate of Sustainable Development Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1057 1 UNDCO core resources Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1057 2 Non-core resources - TOSSD only Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1058 1 IMF Resilience and Sustainability Trust Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1311 1 GAVI Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1311 2 International Finance Facility for Immunisation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1311 3 COVAX, non-core Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1311 4 non-core (other than COVAX) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1312 1 Global Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1313 1 Green Growth Planning and Implementation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1313 2 Investment and Policy Solutions Division Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1313 3 Thought Leadership Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1313 4 Green Investment Services Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1313 5 Green Growth Planning and Implementation Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1313 6 Investment and Policy Solutions Division Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1401 1 International Trade Centre - Regular budget Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1401 2 Voluntary non-core funding Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1401 3 VC unearmarked Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1401 4 Voluntary non-core funding, TOSSD-only activities Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1401 5 VC unearmarked, TOSSD-only activities Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1403 1 ESCWA - United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1403 2 UNESCWA extra-budgetary non-core funding – developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1403 3 UNESCWA extra-budgetary non-core funding – non-developmental Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1404 1 WTO - World Trade Organization Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1404 2 WTO – non-core resources Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1404 3 WTO – TOSSD only recipient (core and non-core) Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1406 1 UNIDO Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1406 2 Extrabudgetary non-core resources Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1406 3 Extrabudgetary non-core resources – global and TOSSD only Active 0 0 1
Provider Agency 1601 1 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1602 1 Dutch Postcode Lottery Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1603 1 Swedish Postcode Lottery Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1604 1 People's Postcode Lottery Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1605 1 MetLife Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1606 1 MasterCard Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1608 1 IKEA Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1609 1 Bernard van Leer Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1610 1 MAVA Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1611 1 Oak Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1612 1 H&M Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1613 1 Laudes Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1614 1 Charity Projects Ltd Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1615 1 Children's Investment Fund Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1616 1 Gatsby Charitable Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1617 1 Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1618 1 David & Lucile Packard Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1619 1 John & Catherine MacArthur Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1620 1 Carnegie Corporation of New York Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1621 1 Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1622 1 Omidyar Network Fund, Inc. Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1623 1 Rockefeller Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1624 1 William & Flora Hewlett Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1625 1 Arcus Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1626 1 Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1627 1 Ford Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1628 1 Wellcome Trust Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1629 1 UBS Optimus Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1630 1 World Diabetes Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1631 1 McKnight Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1632 1 Citi Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1633 1 LEGO Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1634 1 Norwegian Postcode Lottery Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1636 1 Jacobs Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1637 1 Arcadia Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1638 1 Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1639 1 La Caixa Banking Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1640 1 Bloomberg Family Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1641 1 Susan T. Buffett Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1642 1 Howard G. Buffett Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1643 1 Open Society Foundations Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1644 1 Botnar Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1645 1 CHANEL Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1646 1 Bezos Earth Fund Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1647 1 German Postcode Lottery Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1648 1 Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1649 1 Novo Nordisk Foundation Active 0 1 1
Provider Agency 1650 1 Good Ventures Foundation Active 0 1 1
Recipient 55 TĂĽrkiye active 0 1 1
Recipient 57 Kosovo active 0 1 1
Recipient 63 Serbia active 0 1 1
Recipient 64 Bosnia and Herzegovina active 0 1 1
Recipient 65 Montenegro active 0 1 1
Recipient 66 North Macedonia active 0 1 1
Recipient 71 Albania active 0 1 1
Recipient 85 Ukraine active 0 1 1
Recipient 86 Belarus active 0 1 1
Recipient 88 States Ex-Yugoslavia unspecified active 0 1 1
Recipient 89 Europe, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 93 Moldova active 0 1 1
Recipient 130 Algeria active 0 1 1
Recipient 133 Libya active 0 1 1
Recipient 136 Morocco active 0 1 1
Recipient 139 Tunisia active 0 1 1
Recipient 142 Egypt active 0 1 1
Recipient 189 North of Sahara, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 218 South Africa active 0 1 1
Recipient 225 Angola active 0 1 1
Recipient 227 Botswana active 0 1 1
Recipient 228 Burundi active 0 1 1
Recipient 229 Cameroon active 0 1 1
Recipient 230 Cabo Verde active 0 1 1
Recipient 231 Central African Republic active 0 1 1
Recipient 232 Chad active 0 1 1
Recipient 233 Comoros active 0 1 1
Recipient 234 Congo active 0 1 1
Recipient 235 Democratic Republic of the Congo active 0 1 1
Recipient 236 Benin active 0 1 1
Recipient 238 Ethiopia active 0 1 1
Recipient 239 Gabon active 0 1 1
Recipient 240 Gambia active 0 1 1
Recipient 241 Ghana active 0 1 1
Recipient 243 Guinea active 0 1 1
Recipient 244 Guinea-Bissau active 0 1 1
Recipient 245 Equatorial Guinea active 0 1 1
Recipient 247 CĂ´te d'Ivoire active 0 1 1
Recipient 248 Kenya active 0 1 1
Recipient 249 Lesotho active 0 1 1
Recipient 251 Liberia active 0 1 1
Recipient 252 Madagascar active 0 1 1
Recipient 253 Malawi active 0 1 1
Recipient 255 Mali active 0 1 1
Recipient 256 Mauritania active 0 1 1
Recipient 257 Mauritius active 0 1 1
Recipient 259 Mozambique active 0 1 1
Recipient 260 Niger active 0 1 1
Recipient 261 Nigeria active 0 1 1
Recipient 265 Zimbabwe active 0 1 1
Recipient 266 Rwanda active 0 1 1
Recipient 268 Sao Tome and Principe active 0 1 1
Recipient 269 Senegal active 0 1 1
Recipient 270 Seychelles active 0 0 1
Recipient 271 Eritrea active 0 1 1
Recipient 272 Sierra Leone active 0 1 1
Recipient 273 Somalia active 0 1 1
Recipient 274 Djibouti active 0 1 1
Recipient 275 Namibia active 0 1 1
Recipient 276 Saint Helena active 0 1 1
Recipient 278 Sudan active 0 1 1
Recipient 279 South Sudan active 0 1 1
Recipient 280 Eswatini active 0 1 1
Recipient 282 Tanzania active 0 1 1
Recipient 283 Togo active 0 1 1
Recipient 285 Uganda active 0 1 1
Recipient 287 Burkina Faso active 0 1 1
Recipient 288 Zambia active 0 1 1
Recipient 289 South of Sahara, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 298 Africa, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 336 Costa Rica active 0 1 1
Recipient 338 Cuba active 0 1 1
Recipient 340 Dominican Republic active 0 1 1
Recipient 342 El Salvador active 0 1 1
Recipient 347 Guatemala active 0 1 1
Recipient 349 Haiti active 0 1 1
Recipient 351 Honduras active 0 1 1
Recipient 352 Belize active 0 1 1
Recipient 354 Jamaica active 0 1 1
Recipient 358 Mexico active 0 1 1
Recipient 364 Nicaragua active 0 1 1
Recipient 366 Panama active 0 1 1
Recipient 377 Antigua and Barbuda active 0 0 1
Recipient 378 Dominica active 0 1 1
Recipient 381 Grenada active 0 1 1
Recipient 383 Saint Lucia active 0 1 1
Recipient 384 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines active 0 1 1
Recipient 385 Montserrat active 0 1 1
Recipient 389 Caribbean & Central America, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 425 Argentina active 0 1 1
Recipient 428 Bolivia active 0 1 1
Recipient 431 Brazil active 0 1 1
Recipient 434 Chile active 0 0 1
Recipient 437 Colombia active 0 1 1
Recipient 440 Ecuador active 0 1 1
Recipient 446 Guyana active 0 1 1
Recipient 451 Paraguay active 0 1 1
Recipient 454 Peru active 0 1 1
Recipient 457 Suriname active 0 1 1
Recipient 460 Uruguay active 0 0 1
Recipient 463 Venezuela active 0 1 1
Recipient 489 South America, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 498 America, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 540 Iran active 0 1 1
Recipient 543 Iraq active 0 1 1
Recipient 549 Jordan active 0 1 1
Recipient 550 West Bank and Gaza Strip active 0 1 1
Recipient 555 Lebanon active 0 1 1
Recipient 573 Syrian Arab Republic active 0 1 1
Recipient 580 Yemen active 0 1 1
Recipient 589 Middle East, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 610 Armenia active 0 1 1
Recipient 611 Azerbaijan active 0 1 1
Recipient 612 Georgia active 0 1 1
Recipient 613 Kazakhstan active 0 1 1
Recipient 614 Kyrgyzstan active 0 1 1
Recipient 615 Tajikistan active 0 1 1
Recipient 616 Turkmenistan active 0 1 1
Recipient 617 Uzbekistan active 0 1 1
Recipient 619 Central Asia, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 625 Afghanistan active 0 1 1
Recipient 630 Bhutan active 0 1 1
Recipient 635 Myanmar active 0 1 1
Recipient 640 Sri Lanka active 0 1 1
Recipient 645 India active 0 1 1
Recipient 655 Maldives active 0 1 1
Recipient 660 Nepal active 0 1 1
Recipient 665 Pakistan active 0 1 1
Recipient 666 Bangladesh active 0 1 1
Recipient 679 South Asia, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 689 South & Central Asia, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 728 Cambodia active 0 1 1
Recipient 730 China (People's Republic of) active 0 1 1
Recipient 738 Indonesia active 0 1 1
Recipient 740 Democratic People's Republic of Korea active 0 1 1
Recipient 745 Lao People's Democratic Republic active 0 1 1
Recipient 751 Malaysia active 0 1 1
Recipient 753 Mongolia active 0 1 1
Recipient 755 Philippines active 0 1 1
Recipient 764 Thailand active 0 1 1
Recipient 765 Timor-Leste active 0 1 1
Recipient 769 Viet Nam active 0 1 1
Recipient 789 Far East Asia, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 798 Asia, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 831 Cook Islands active 0 0 1
Recipient 832 Fiji active 0 1 1
Recipient 836 Kiribati active 0 1 1
Recipient 845 Nauru active 0 1 1
Recipient 854 Vanuatu active 0 1 1
Recipient 856 Niue active 0 1 1
Recipient 859 Marshall Islands active 0 1 1
Recipient 860 Micronesia active 0 1 1
Recipient 861 Palau active 0 1 1
Recipient 862 Papua New Guinea active 0 1 1
Recipient 866 Solomon Islands active 0 1 1
Recipient 868 Tokelau active 0 1 1
Recipient 870 Tonga active 0 1 1
Recipient 872 Tuvalu active 0 1 1
Recipient 876 Wallis and Futuna active 0 1 1
Recipient 880 Samoa active 0 1 1
Recipient 889 Oceania, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 998 Developing countries, unspecified active 0 1 1
Recipient 999 Global active 0 0 1
Recipient 1027 Eastern Africa, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 1028 Middle Africa, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 1029 Southern Africa, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 1030 Western Africa, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 1031 Caribbean, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 1032 Central America, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 1033 Melanesia, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 1034 Micronesia, regional active 0 1 1
Recipient 1035 Polynesia, regional active 0 1 1
Nature of submission 1 New activity reported Active 0 1 0
Nature of submission 2 Revision Active 0 1 0
Nature of submission 3 Previously reported activity (increase/decrease of earlier commitment, disbursement on earlier commitment) Active 0 1 0
Nature of submission 5 Provisional data Active 0 1 0
Nature of submission 8 Commitment derived from Disbursement Active 0 1 0
Nature of submission 9 Net disbursements Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 10000 10000 Public Sector Institutions Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 10000 11000 Donor Government Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 11000 11001 Central Government Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 11000 11002 Local Government Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 11000 11003 Public corporations Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 11000 11004 Other public entities in donor country Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 10000 12000 Recipient Government Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 12000 12001 Central Government Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 12000 12002 Local Government Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 12000 12003 Public corporations Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 12000 12004 Other public entities in recipient country Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 10000 13000 Third Country Government (Delegated co-operation) Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 20000 20000 Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) and Civil Society Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 20000 21000 International NGO Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21001 Association of Geoscientists for International Development Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21005 Consumer Unity and Trust Society International Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21007 Environmental Liaison Centre International Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21011 Global Campaign for Education Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21013 Health Action International Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21016 International Committee of the Red Cross Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21018 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21020 International HIV/AIDS Alliance Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21022 International Network for Alternative Financial Institutions Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21023 International Planned Parenthood Federation Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21024 Inter Press Service, International Association Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21029 Doctors Without Borders Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21031 PANOS Institute Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21032 Population Services International Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21034 International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21036 World University Service Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21038 International Alert Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21041 Society for International Development Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21042 International Peacebuilding Alliance Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21044 International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21045 African Medical and Research Foundation Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21046 Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21053 IPAS-Protecting Women’s Health, Advancing Women’s Reproductive Rights Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21054 Life and Peace Institute Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21057 International Centre for Transitional Justice Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21061 International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21062 The Nature Conservancy Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21063 Conservation International Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21064 Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc. Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21501 OXFAM International Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21502 World Vision Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21503 Family Health International 360 Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21504 International Relief and Development Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21505 Save the Children Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21506 International Rescue Committee Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21507 Pact World Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21508 Sustainable Energy for All Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 21509 AmplifyChange Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 21000 47035 Environmental Development Action in the Third World Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 20000 22000 Donor country-based NGO Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 21006 Development Gateway Foundation Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 21008 Eurostep Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 21014 Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 21015 International Catholic Rural Association Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 21019 International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centres Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 21025 International Seismological Centre Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 21026 International Service for Human Rights Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 21027 ITF Enhancing Human Security Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 21033 Transparency International Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 21035 World Organisation Against Torture Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 21037 Women's World Banking Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 21040 International Women's Tribune Centre Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 21047 AgriCord Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 21049 European Centre for Development Policy Management Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 21050 Geneva Call Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 21058 International Crisis Group Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 21060 Association for the Prevention of Torture Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 22501 OXFAM - provider country office Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 22502 Save the Children - donor country office Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 22000 47042 Foundation for International Training Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 20000 23000 Developing country-based NGO Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 23000 21003 Latin American Council for Social Sciences Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 23000 21010 Forum for African Women Educationalists Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 23000 21028 International University Exchange Fund - IUEF Stip. in Africa and Latin America Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 23000 21030 Pan African Institute for Development Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 23000 21048 Association of African Universities Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 23000 21051 Institut Supérieur Panafricaine d’Economie Coopérative Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 23000 21055 Regional AIDS Training Network Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 23000 21059 Africa Solidarity Fund Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 23000 23501 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 30000 30000 Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and Networks Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 30000 31000 Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 21056 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30001 Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30003 Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30004 Global Water Partnership Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30005 International AIDS Vaccine Initiative Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30006 International Partnership on Microbicides Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30007 Global Alliance for ICT and Development Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30008 Cities Alliance Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30009 Small Arms Survey Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30011 International Union for the Conservation of Nature Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30012 Global Climate Partnership Fund Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30013 Microfinance Enhancement Facility Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30014 Regional Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Investment Fund for Sub-Saharan Africa Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30015 Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30016 European Fund for Southeast Europe Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30017 SANAD Fund for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30018 Africa Finance Corporation Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30019 Currency Exchange Fund N.V. Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 30020 Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund II Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 31006 Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 31000 47043 Global Crop Diversity Trust Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 30000 32000 Networks Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 32000 21017 International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 32000 21043 European Parliamentarians for Africa Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 32000 31001 Global Development Network Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 32000 31002 Global Knowledge Partnership Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 32000 31003 International Land Coalition Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 32000 31004 Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative International Secretariat Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 32000 31005 Parliamentary Network on the World Bank Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 32000 31007 Drugs for Neglected Diseases initative Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 32000 31008 Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 32000 47010 Commonwealth Agency for Public Administration and Management Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 32000 47028 Commonwealth Partnership for Technical Management Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 40000 40000 Multilateral Organisations Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 40000 41000 United Nations (UN) agency, fund or commission Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 41000 41100 UN entities (core contributions reportable in full) Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 41100 30010 International drug purchase facility Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 30010 International drug purchase facility Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41101 Convention to Combat Desertification Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41101 Convention to Combat Desertification Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41103 Economic Commission for Africa Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41103 Economic Commission for Africa Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41107 International Atomic Energy Agency (Contributions to Technical Cooperation Fund Only) Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41107 International Atomic Energy Agency (Contributions to Technical Cooperation Fund Only) Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41108 International Fund for Agricultural Development Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41108 International Fund for Agricultural Development Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41110 Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41110 Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41111 United Nations Capital Development Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41111 United Nations Capital Development Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41112 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41112 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41114 United Nations Development Programme Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41114 United Nations Development Programme Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41116 United Nations Environment Programme Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41116 United Nations Environment Programme Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41119 United Nations Population Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41119 United Nations Population Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41120 United Nations Human Settlement Programme Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41120 United Nations Human Settlement Programme Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41121 United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41121 United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41122 United Nations Children’s Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41122 United Nations Children’s Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41123 United Nations Industrial Development Organisation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41123 United Nations Industrial Development Organisation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41125 United Nations Institute for Training and Research Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41125 United Nations Institute for Training and Research Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41127 United Nations Office of Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41127 United Nations Office of Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41129 United Nations Research Institute for Social Development Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41129 United Nations Research Institute for Social Development Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41130 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41130 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41131 United Nations System Staff College Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41131 United Nations System Staff College Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41134 United Nations University (including Endowment Fund) Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41134 United Nations University (including Endowment Fund) Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41135 United Nations Volunteers Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41135 United Nations Volunteers Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41140 World Food Programme Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41140 World Food Programme Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41143 World Health Organisation - core voluntary contributions account Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41143 World Health Organisation - core voluntary contributions account Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41144 International Labour Organisation - Regular Budget Supplementary Account Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41144 International Labour Organisation - Regular Budget Supplementary Account Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41145 International Maritime Organization - Technical Co-operation Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41145 International Maritime Organization - Technical Co-operation Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41146 United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41146 United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41149 United Nations Development Coordination Office Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 41149 United Nations Development Coordination Office Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41320 Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 41320 Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 45001 World Trade Organisation - International Trade Centre Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 45001 World Trade Organisation - International Trade Centre Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 45002 World Trade Organisation - Advisory Centre on WTO Law Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 45002 World Trade Organisation - Advisory Centre on WTO Law Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 45003 World Trade Organisation - Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 45003 World Trade Organisation - Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 47066 International Organisation for Migration Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41100 47066 International Organisation for Migration Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 47083 Pan-American Health Organisation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41100 47083 Pan-American Health Organisation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41000 41200 UN entities (core contributions reportable in TOSSD only) Active 1 0 1
Channel of delivery 41200 41201 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41200 41202 International Civil Aviation Organization Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41200 41203 International Criminal Court Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41200 41204 International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41200 41205 International Seabed Authority Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41200 41206 International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41200 41207 Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41200 41208 Department of Economic and Social Affairs Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41200 41209 Department of General Assembly and Conference Management Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41200 41210 Department of Global Communications Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41200 41211 Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance, including UNOG, UNOV and UNON Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41200 41212 Department of Operational Support Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41200 41213 Department of Safety and Security Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41200 41214 Office of Counter-Terrorism Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41200 41215 United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41200 41216 International Maritime Organization Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41200 41217 World Trade Organisation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41000 41300 Other UN (Core Contributions Reportable in Part) Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41104 Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41104 Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41105 Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41105 Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41106 Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41106 Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41128 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41128 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41150 United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41150 United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41151 International Agency for Research on Cancer Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41151 International Agency for Research on Cancer Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41301 Food and Agricultural Organisation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41301 Food and Agricultural Organisation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41302 International Labour Organisation - Assessed Contributions Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41302 International Labour Organisation - Assessed Contributions Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41303 International Telecommunications Union Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41303 International Telecommunications Union Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41304 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41304 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41305 United Nations Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41305 United Nations Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41306 Universal Postal Union Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41306 Universal Postal Union Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41307 World Health Organisation - assessed contributions Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41307 World Health Organisation - assessed contributions Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41308 World Intellectual Property Organisation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41308 World Intellectual Property Organisation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41309 World Meteorological Organisation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41309 World Meteorological Organisation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41310 United Nations Department of Peace Operations - UN peacekeeping operations Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41310 United Nations Department of Peace Operations - UN peacekeeping operations [only MINURSO, MINUSCA, MINUSMA, MINUJUSTH, MONUSCO, UNAMID, UNIFIL, UNISFA, UNMIK, UNMIL, UNMISS, UNOCI]. Report contributions mission by mission in CRS++. Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41312 International Atomic Energy Agency - assessed contributions Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41312 International Atomic Energy Agency - assessed contributions Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41313 United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (extrabudgetary contributions only) Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41313 United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (extrabudgetary contributions only) Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41314 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (extrabudgetary contributions only) Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41314 United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (extrabudgetary contributions only) Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41315 United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41315 United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41316 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41316 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41319 World Tourism Organization Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41319 World Tourism Organization Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41321 World Health Organisation - Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41300 41321 World Health Organisation - Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41300 41502 United Nations Office for Project Services Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 41000 41400 UN inter-agency pooled funds Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 41400 41141 United Nations Peacebuilding Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41400 41141 United Nations Peacebuilding Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41400 41147 Central Emergency Response Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41400 41147 Central Emergency Response Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41400 41401 UN-Multi Partner Trust Fund Office Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41400 41401 UN-Multi Partner Trust Fund Office Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41400 41402 Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41400 41402 Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41400 41403 COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41400 41403 COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41400 41501 United Nations Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41400 41501 United Nations Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41400 41503 UN-led Country-based Pooled Funds Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41400 41503 UN-led Country-based Pooled Funds Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41000 41500 UN single-agency thematic funds Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 41500 41148 United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Trust Fund in Support of Political Affairs Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41500 41148 United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Trust Fund in Support of Political Affairs Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41000 41600 Existing UN channels not included in Standard I - UN entity- of the UN Data Cube reporting framework Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 41600 41126 United Nations Mine Action Service Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41600 41126 United Nations Mine Action Service Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41600 41132 United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 41600 41133 United Nations Special Initiative on Africa Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41600 41133 United Nations Special Initiative on Africa Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41600 41136 United Nations Voluntary Fund on Disability Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41600 41136 United Nations Voluntary Fund on Disability Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41600 41137 United Nations Voluntary Fund for Technical Co-operation in the Field of Human Rights Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41600 41137 United Nations Voluntary Fund for Technical Co-operation in the Field of Human Rights Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41600 41138 United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41600 41138 United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41600 41142 United Nations Democracy Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41600 41142 United Nations Democracy Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41600 41318 Global Mechanism Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41600 41318 Global Mechanism Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41600 47065 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41600 47065 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41600 47078 Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41600 47078 Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 41000 41700 UN entities, non-core contributions Active 1 0 1
Channel of delivery 41700 41701 International Labour Organisation - non-core Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 41700 41702 World Health Organisation - non-core Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 40000 42000 European Union Institutions Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 42000 42001 European Commission - Development Share of Budget Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 42000 42001 European Commission - Development Share of Budget Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 42000 42003 European Commission - European Development Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 42000 42003 European Commission - European Development Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 42000 42004 European Investment Bank Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 42000 42004 European Investment Bank Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 40000 43000 International Monetary Fund (IMF) Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 43000 43001 International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 43000 43001 International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 43000 43002 International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth - Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Debt Relief Initiative Trust Fund [includes HIPC, Extended Credit Facility (ECF), and ECF-HIPC sub-accounts] Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 43000 43002 International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth - Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Debt Relief Initiative Trust Fund [includes HIPC, Extended Credit Facility (ECF), and ECF-HIPC sub-accounts] Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 43000 43003 International Monetary Fund - Subsidization of Emergency Post Conflict Assistance/Emergency Assistance for Natural Disasters for PRGT-eligible members Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 43000 43003 International Monetary Fund - Subsidization of Emergency Post Conflict Assistance/Emergency Assistance for Natural Disasters for PRGT-eligible members Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 43000 43004 International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth - Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative Trust Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 43000 43005 International Monetary Fund - Post-Catastrophe Debt Relief Trust Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 43000 43005 International Monetary Fund - Post-Catastrophe Debt Relief Trust Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 43000 43006 Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 43000 43006 Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 43000 43007 IMF’s Resilience and Sustainability Trust Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 43000 43007 IMF’s Resilience and Sustainability Trust Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 40000 44000 World Bank Group (WB) Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 44000 44001 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 44000 44001 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 44000 44002 International Development Association Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 44000 44002 International Development Association Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 44000 44003 International Development Association - Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Debt Initiative Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 44000 44003 International Development Association - Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Debt Initiative Trust Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 44000 44004 International Finance Corporation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 44000 44004 International Finance Corporation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 44000 44005 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 44000 44005 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 44000 44006 Advance Market Commitments Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 44000 44006 Advance Market Commitments Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 44000 44007 International Development Association - Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 44000 44007 International Development Association - Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 44000 44008 Partnership for Market Implementation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 44000 44008 Partnership for Market Implementation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 40000 46000 Regional Development Banks Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46002 African Development Bank Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46002 African Development Bank Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46003 African Development Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46003 African Development Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46004 Asian Development Bank Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46004 Asian Development Bank Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46005 Asian Development Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46005 Asian Development Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46006 Black Sea Trade and Development Bank Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46006 Black Sea Trade and Development Bank Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46007 Central American Bank for Economic Integration Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46007 Central American Bank for Economic Integration Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46008 Development Bank of Latin America Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46008 Development Bank of Latin America Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46009 Caribbean Development Bank Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46009 Caribbean Development Bank Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46012 Inter-American Development Bank, Inter-American Investment Corporation and Multilateral Investment Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46012 Inter-American Development Bank, Inter-American Investment Corporation and Multilateral Investment Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46013 Inter-American Development Bank, Fund for Special Operations Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46013 Inter-American Development Bank, Fund for Special Operations Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46015 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46015 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46016 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - technical co-operation and special funds (ODA-eligible countries only) Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46016 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - technical co-operation and special funds (ODA-eligible countries only) Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46017 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - technical co-operation and special funds (all EBRD countries of operations) Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46017 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - technical co-operation and special funds (all EBRD countries of operations) Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46018 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Early Transition Countries Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46018 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Early Transition Countries Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46019 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Western Balkans Joint Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46019 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Western Balkans Joint Trust Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46020 Central African States Development Bank Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46020 Central African States Development Bank Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46021 West African Development Bank Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46021 West African Development Bank Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46022 African Export Import Bank Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46022 African Export Import Bank Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46023 Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46023 Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46024 Council of Europe Development Bank Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46024 Council of Europe Development Bank Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46025 Islamic Development Bank Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46025 Islamic Development Bank Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46026 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 46000 46026 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46027 Financial Fund for the Development of the River Plate Basin Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 46000 46027 Financial Fund for the Development of the River Plate Basin Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 40000 47000 Other multilateral institutions Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 47000 21002 Agency for International Trade Information and Co-operation Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 47000 41102 Desert Locust Control Organisation for Eastern Africa Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 41102 Desert Locust Control Organisation for Eastern Africa Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 41317 Green Climate Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 41317 Green Climate Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47001 African Capacity Building Foundation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47001 African Capacity Building Foundation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47002 Asian Productivity Organisation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47002 Asian Productivity Organisation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47003 Association of South East Asian Nations: Economic Co-operation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47003 Association of South East Asian Nations: Economic Co-operation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47005 African Union Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47005 African Union (excluding peacekeeping facilities) Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47009 African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47009 African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47011 Caribbean Community Secretariat Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47011 Caribbean Community Secretariat Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47012 Caribbean Epidemiology Centre Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47013 Commonwealth Foundation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47013 Commonwealth Foundation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47015 CGIAR Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47015 CGIAR Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47019 International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47019 International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47022 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47022 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47025 Commonwealth of Learning Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47025 Commonwealth of Learning Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47026 Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47026 Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47027 Colombo Plan Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47027 Colombo Plan Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47029 Sahel and West Africa Club Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47029 Sahel and West Africa Club Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47034 Economic Community of West African States Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47034 Economic Community of West African States Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47036 European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47036 European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47037 Eastern-Regional Organisation of Public Administration Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47037 Eastern-Regional Organisation of Public Administration Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47040 Forum Fisheries Agency Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47040 Forum Fisheries Agency Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47044 Global Environment Facility Trust Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47044 Global Environment Facility Trust Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47045 Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47045 Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47046 International Organisation of the Francophonie Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47046 International Organisation of the Francophonie Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47050 International Cotton Advisory Committee Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47050 International Cotton Advisory Committee Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47058 International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47058 International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47059 International Development Law Organisation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47059 International Development Law Organisation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47061 Inter-American Institute for Co-operation on Agriculture Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47061 Inter-American Institute for Co-operation on Agriculture Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47064 International Network for Bamboo and Rattan Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47064 International Network for Bamboo and Rattan Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47067 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47067 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47068 Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47068 Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47073 International Tropical Timber Organisation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47073 International Tropical Timber Organisation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47074 International Vaccine Institute Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47074 International Vaccine Institute Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47076 Justice Studies Centre of the Americas Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47076 Justice Studies Centre of the Americas Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47077 Mekong River Commission Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47077 Mekong River Commission Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47079 Organisation of American States Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47079 Organisation of American States Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47080 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47080 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Contributions to special funds for Technical Co-operation Activities Only) Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47081 OECD Development Centre Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47081 OECD Development Centre Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47082 Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47082 Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47084 Pan-American Institute of Geography and History Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47084 Pan-American Institute of Geography and History Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47086 Private Infrastructure Development Group Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47086 Private Infrastructure Development Group Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47087 Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47087 Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47089 Southern African Development Community Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47089 Southern African Development Community Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47092 South East Asian Fisheries Development Centre Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47092 South East Asian Fisheries Development Centre Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47093 South East Asian Ministers of Education Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47093 South East Asian Ministers of Education Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47095 Educational Quality and Assessment Programme Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47095 Educational Quality and Assessment Programme Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47096 Secretariat of the Pacific Community Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47096 Secretariat of the Pacific Community Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47097 Pacific Regional Environment Programme Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47097 Pacific Regional Environment Programme Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47098 Unrepresented Nations and Peoples’ Organisation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47098 Unrepresented Nations and Peoples’ Organisation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47105 Common Fund for Commodities Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47105 Common Fund for Commodities Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47106 Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47106 Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47107 International Finance Facility for Immunisation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47107 International Finance Facility for Immunisation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47109 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Support Fund (except contributions tied to counter-terrorism activities) Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47109 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Support Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47110 Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47110 Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47111 Adaptation Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47111 Adaptation Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47112 Central European Initiative - Special Fund for Climate and Environmental Protection Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47112 Central European Initiative - Special Fund for Climate and Environmental Protection Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47113 Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47113 Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47114 Asian Forest Cooperation Organisation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47114 Asian Forest Cooperation Organisation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47116 Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to Least Developed Countries Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47116 Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to Least Developed Countries Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47117 New Partnership for Africa's Development Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47117 New Partnership for Africa's Development Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47118 Regional Organisation for the Strengthening of Supreme Audit Institutions of Francophone Sub-Saharan Countries Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47118 Regional Organisation for the Strengthening of Supreme Audit Institutions of Francophone Sub-Saharan Countries Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47119 Sahara and Sahel Observatory Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47119 Sahara and Sahel Observatory Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47120 South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47120 South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47121 United Cities and Local Governments of Africa Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47121 United Cities and Local Governments of Africa Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47122 Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47122 Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47123 Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47123 Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47124 International Anti-Corruption Academy Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47124 International Anti-Corruption Academy Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47125 International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47125 International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47127 Latin-American Energy Organisation Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47127 Latin-American Energy Organisation Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47128 Nordic Development Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47128 Nordic Development Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47129 Global Environment Facility - Least Developed Countries Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47129 Global Environment Facility - Least Developed Countries Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47130 Global Environment Facility - Special Climate Change Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47130 Global Environment Facility - Special Climate Change Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47131 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47131 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47132 Commonwealth Secretariat Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47132 Commonwealth Secretariat (ODA-eligible contributions only) Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47134 Clean Technology Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47134 Clean Technology Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47135 Strategic Climate Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47135 Strategic Climate Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47136 Global Green Growth Institute Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47136 Global Green Growth Institute Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47137 African Risk Capacity Group Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47137 African Risk Capacity Group Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47138 Council of Europe Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47138 Council of Europe Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47139 World Customs Organization Customs Co-operation Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47139 World Customs Organization Customs Co-operation Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47140 Organisation of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47140 Organisation of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47141 African Tax Administration Forum Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47141 African Tax Administration Forum Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47142 OPEC Fund for International Development Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47142 OPEC Fund for International Development Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47143 Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47143 Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47144 International Renewable Energy Agency Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47144 International Renewable Energy Agency Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47145 Center of Excellence in Finance Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47145 Center of Excellence in Finance Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47146 International Investment Bank Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47146 International Investment Bank Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47147 International Finance Facility for Education Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47147 International Finance Facility for Education Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47148 World Organisation for Animal Health Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47148 World Organisation for Animal Health Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47149 International Commission on Missing Persons Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47149 International Commission on Missing Persons Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47150 SecretarĂ­a General Iberoamericana Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47501 Global Partnership for Education Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47501 Global Partnership for Education Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47502 Global Fund for Disaster Risk Reduction Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47502 Global Fund for Disaster Risk Reduction Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47503 Global Agriculture and Food Security Program Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47503 Global Agriculture and Food Security Program Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47504 Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47504 Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47100 West African Monetary Union Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47100 West African Monetary Union Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 47000 47400 European Space Agency (ESA) programme 'Space in support of International Development Aid' Active 0 0 1
Channel of delivery 47000 47400 European Space Agency (ESA) programme 'Space in support of International Development Aid' Active 0 1 0
Channel of delivery 51000 51000 University, college or other teaching institution, research institute or think-tank Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 21004 Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 21009 Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 21021 International Institute for Environment and Development Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 21039 International Institute for Sustainable Development Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47008 World Vegetable Centre Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47017 International Centre for Tropical Agriculture Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47018 Centre for International Forestry Research Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47020 International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47021 International Potato Centre Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47041 Food and Fertilizer Technology Centre Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47047 International African Institute Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47051 International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47053 International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47054 International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47055 International Centre for Development Oriented Research in Agriculture Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47056 World AgroForestry Centre Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47057 International Crop Research for Semi-Arid Tropics Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47062 International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47063 International Livestock Research Institute Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47069 Bioversity International Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47070 International Rice Research Institute Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47071 International Seed Testing Association Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47075 International Water Management Institute Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47099 University of the South Pacific Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47101 Africa Rice Centre Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47103 World Maritime University Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 47104 WorldFish Centre Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 51000 51001 International Food Policy Research Institute Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 60000 60000 Private Sector Institutions Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 60000 61000 Private sector in provider country Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 61000 61001 Banks (deposit taking corporations) Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 61000 61003 Investment funds and other collective investment institutions Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 61000 61004 Holding companies, trusts and Special Purpose Vehicles Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 61000 61005 Insurance Corporations Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 61000 61006 Pension Funds Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 61000 61007 Other financial corporations Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 61000 61008 Exporters Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 61000 61009 Other non-financial corporations Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 61000 61010 Retail investors Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 60000 62000 Private sector in recipient country Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 62000 62001 Banks (deposit taking corporations except Micro Finance Institutions) Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 62000 62002 Micro Finance Institutions (deposit and non-deposit) Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 62000 62003 Investment funds and other collective investment institutions Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 62000 62004 Holding companies, trusts and Special Purpose Vehicles Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 62000 62005 Insurance Corporations Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 62000 62006 Pension Funds Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 62000 62007 Other financial corporations Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 62000 62008 Importers/Exporters Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 62000 62009 Other non-financial corporations Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 62000 62010 Retail investors Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 60000 63000 Private sector in third country Active 1 1 1
Channel of delivery 63000 63001 Banks (deposit taking corporations except Micro Finance Institutions) Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 63000 63002 Micro Finance Institutions (deposit and non-deposit) Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 63000 63003 Investment funds and other collective investment institutions Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 63000 63004 Holding companies, trusts and Special Purpose Vehicles Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 63000 63005 Insurance Corporations Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 63000 63006 Pension Funds Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 63000 63007 Other financial corporations Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 63000 63008 Exporters Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 63000 63009 Other non-financial corporations Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 63000 63010 Retail investors Active 0 1 1
Channel of delivery 90000 90000 Other Active 1 1 1
Collaboration Type 1 Bilateral Active 0 1 0
Collaboration Type 2 Multilateral (inflows) Active 0 1 0
Collaboration Type 3 Bilateral, core contributions to NGOs and other private bodies / PPPs Active 0 1 0
Collaboration Type 4 Multilateral outflows Active 0 1 0
Collaboration Type 6 Private Sector Outflows Active 0 1 0
Collaboration Type 7 Bilateral, ex-post reporting on NGOs’ activities funded through core contributions Active 0 1 0
Collaboration Type 8 Bilateral, triangular co-operation Active 0 1 0
Type of flow 10 ODA Active 0 1 0
Type of flow 21 Non-export credit OOF Active 0 1 0
Type of flow 22 Officially supported export credits Active 0 1 0
Type of flow 30 Private Development Finance Active 0 1 0
Type of flow 36 Private Foreign Direct Investment Active 0 1 0
Type of flow 37 Other Private flows at market terms Active 0 1 0
Type of flow 40 Non flow Active 0 1 0
Type of flow 50 Other flows Active 0 1 0
Type of flow 60 PSI Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 0 NON FLOW ITEMS Active 1 1 0
Financing instrument 0 1 GNI: Gross National Income Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 0 2 ODA % GNI Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 0 3 Total Flows % GNI Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 0 4 Population Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 100 GRANTS Active 1 1 1
Financing instrument 100 110 Standard grant Active 0 1 1
Financing instrument 100 210 Interest subsidy Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 100 310 Capital subscription on deposit basis Active 0 1 1
Financing instrument 100 311 Capital subscription on encashment basis Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 420 DEBT INSTRUMENTS Active 1 1 1
Financing instrument 420 421 Standard loan Active 0 0 1
Financing instrument 420 421 Standard loan Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 420 422 Reimbursable grant Active 0 1 1
Financing instrument 420 4221 Loan-type reimbursable grant Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 420 4222 Reflow-based reimbursable grant Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 420 423 Bonds Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 420 423 Bonds Active 0 0 1
Financing instrument 420 424 Asset-backed securities Active 0 0 1
Financing instrument 420 424 Asset-backed securities Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 420 425 Other debt securities Active 0 1 1
Financing instrument 430 MEZZANINE FINANCE INSTRUMENTS Active 1 1 1
Financing instrument 430 431 Subordinated loan Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 430 431 Subordinated loan Active 0 0 1
Financing instrument 430 432 Preferred equity Active 0 0 1
Financing instrument 430 432 Preferred equity Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 430 433 Other hybrid instruments Active 0 1 1
Financing instrument 500 510 Common equity Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 500 510 Common equity Active 0 0 1
Financing instrument 500 520 Shares in collective investment vehicles Active 0 0 1
Financing instrument 500 520 Shares in collective investment vehicles Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 500 530 Reinvested earnings Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 DEBT RELIEF Active 1 1 0
Financing instrument 600 610 Debt forgiveness: ODA claims (P) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 611 Debt forgiveness: ODA claims (I) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 612 Debt forgiveness: OOF claims (P) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 613 Debt forgiveness: OOF claims (I) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 614 Debt forgiveness: Private claims (P) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 615 Debt forgiveness: Private claims (I) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 616 Debt forgiveness: OOF claims (DSR) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 617 Debt forgiveness: Private claims (DSR) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 618 Debt forgiveness: Other Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 620 Debt rescheduling: ODA claims (P) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 621 Debt rescheduling: ODA claims (I) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 622 Debt rescheduling: OOF claims (P) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 623 Debt rescheduling: OOF claims (I) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 624 Debt rescheduling: Private claims (P) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 625 Debt rescheduling: Private claims (I) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 626 Debt rescheduling: OOF claims (DSR) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 627 Debt rescheduling: Private claims (DSR) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 630 Debt rescheduling: OOF claim (DSR – original loan principal) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 631 Debt rescheduling: OOF claim (DSR – original loan interest) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 632 Debt rescheduling: Private claim (DSR – original loan principal) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 633 Debt forgiveness/conversion: export credit claims (P) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 634 Debt forgiveness/conversion: export credit claims (I) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 635 Debt forgiveness: export credit claims (DSR) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 636 Debt rescheduling: export credit claims (P) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 637 Debt rescheduling: export credit claims (I) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 638 Debt rescheduling: export credit claims (DSR) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 600 639 Debt rescheduling: export credit claim (DSR – original loan principal) Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 1000 1100 Guarantees/insurance Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 1000 1100 Guarantees/insurance Active 0 0 1
Financing instrument 1000 1101 Individual loan guarantee Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 1000 1102 Loan portfolio guarantee Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 1000 1103 Individual mezzanine finance guarantee Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 1000 1104 Mezzanine finance portfolio guarantee Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 1000 1105 Individual equity finance guarantee Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 1000 1106 Equity portfolio guarantee Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 1000 1107 First-loss guarantee Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 1000 1108 Other guarantees Active 0 1 0
Financing instrument 2000 Direct provider spending Active 1 0 1
Financing instrument 2000 2100 Direct provider spending Active 0 0 1
Financing instrument 3000 Subsidies and similar transfers Active 1 0 1
Financing instrument 3000 3100 Subsidies and similar transfers Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality A Budget support Active 1 0 1
Co-operation Modality A Budget support Active 1 1 0
Co-operation Modality A A00 Budget support Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality A A01 General budget support Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality A A02 Sector budget support Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality B Core contributions and pooled programmes and funds Active 1 1 0
Co-operation Modality B Core contributions and pooled programmes and funds Active 1 0 1
Co-operation Modality B B01 Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality B B01 Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality B B02 Core contributions to multilateral institutions and global funds Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality B B02 Core contributions to multilateral institutions Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality B02 B021 Core contributions to multilateral institutions Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality B02 B022 Core contributions to global funds Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality B02 B02a Assessed contributions to multilateral institutions Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality B02 B02b Voluntary core contributions to multilateral institutions Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality B B03 Contributions to specific purpose programmes and funds managed by implementing partners (excluding self-benefit) Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality B B03 Contributions to specific-purpose programmes and funds managed by implementing partners Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality B03 B031 Contributions to multi-donor/multi-entity funding mechanisms Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality B03 B032 Contributions to multi-donor/single-entity funding mechanisms Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality B03 B033 Contributions to single-donor funding mechanisms and contributions earmarked for a specific funding window or geographical location Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality B B04 Basket funds/pooled funding Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality B B05 PSI intra-governmental transfers Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality C Project-type interventions Active 1 1 0
Co-operation Modality C Projects Active 1 0 1
Co-operation Modality C C01 Projects Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality C C01 Project-type interventions Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality D Experts and other technical assistance Active 1 1 0
Co-operation Modality D Technical co-operation Active 1 0 1
Co-operation Modality D D01 In-kind technical co-operation experts Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality D D01 Donor country personnel Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality D01 D011 (for SSC providers only) In-kind technical cooperation. Experts costs Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality D01 D012 (for SSC providers only) In-kind technical cooperation experts. Travel related costs Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality D01 D013 (for SSC providers only) In-kind technical cooperation. Services, materials, equipment and supplies. Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality D D02 Other technical assistance Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality D D02 Other technical co-operation Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality D02 D021 (for SSC providers only) Training Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality E Scholarships and student costs in donor countries Active 1 1 1
Co-operation Modality E E01 Scholarships/training in donor country Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality E E01 Scholarships/training in donor country Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality E E02 Imputed student costs Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality E E02 Imputed student costs Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality F Debt relief Active 1 0 1
Co-operation Modality F Debt relief Active 1 1 0
Co-operation Modality F F01 Debt relief Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality F F01 Debt relief - principal (original loan previously recorded in TOSSD) Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality F F02 Debt relief - principal (original loan not recorded in TOSSD) Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality F F03 Debt relief - interest Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality G Administrative costs not included elsewhere Active 1 1 1
Co-operation Modality G G01 Administrative costs not included elsewhere Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality G G01 Administrative costs not included elsewhere Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality H Other in-donor expenditures Active 1 1 0
Co-operation Modality H Expenditures in the provider country Active 1 0 1
Co-operation Modality H H00 Expenditures in the provider country Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality H H01 Development awareness Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality H H02 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality H H03 Asylum-seekers ultimately accepted Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality H H04 Asylum-seekers ultimately rejected Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality H H05 Recognised refugees Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality H H06 Refugees and asylum seekers in other provider countries Active 0 1 0
Co-operation Modality I Support to refugees / protected persons Active 1 0 1
Co-operation Modality I I01 Support to refugees/protected persons in the provider country (up to 12 months of their stay)  Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality I I02 Support to refugees/protected persons in the provider country (beyond the 12-month period) Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality I I05 Support to refugees/protected persons/migrants for their integration in the economy of provider countries Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality J In-kind ddonations Active 1 0 1
Co-operation Modality J J01 (for SSC providers only) In-kind donations Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality K Research and development Active 1 0 1
Co-operation Modality K K01 (for SSC providers only) Research and development Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality K01 K011 (for SSC providers only) Scientific-related infrastructure Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality K01 K012 (for SSC providers only) Research personnel Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality K K02 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (R&D) Active 0 0 1
Co-operation Modality L Direct cash transfers to developing countries Active 1 0 1
Co-operation Modality L L01 (for SSC providers only) Direct cash transfers under social development public programmes in partner countries Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 110 I.1. Education Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 110 111 I.1.a. Education, Level Unspecified Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 111 11110 Education policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 111 11120 Education facilities and training Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 111 11130 Teacher training Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 111 11182 Educational research Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 110 112 I.1.b. Basic Education Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 112 11220 Primary education Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 112 11230 Basic life skills for adults Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 112 11231 Basic life skills for youth Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 112 11232 Primary education equivalent for adults Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 112 11240 Early childhood education Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 112 11250 School feeding Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 112 11260 Lower secondary education Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 110 113 I.1.c. Upper Secondary Education Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 113 11320 Upper Secondary Education (modified and includes data from 11322) Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 113 11330 Vocational training Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 110 114 I.1.d. Post-Secondary Education Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 114 11420 Higher education Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 114 11430 Advanced technical and managerial training Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 120 I.2. Health Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 120 121 I.2.a. Health, General Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 121 12110 Health policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 12110 12196 Health statistics and data Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 121 12181 Medical education/training Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 121 12182 Medical research Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 121 12191 Medical services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 120 122 I.2.b. Basic Health Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 122 12220 Basic health care Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 122 12230 Basic health infrastructure Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 122 12240 Basic nutrition Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 122 12250 Infectious disease control Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 122 12261 Health education Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 122 12262 Malaria control Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 122 12263 Tuberculosis control Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 122 12264 COVID-19 control Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 122 12281 Health personnel development Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 123 I.2.c. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 123 12310 NCDs control, general Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 123 12320 Tobacco use control Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 123 12330 Control of harmful use of alcohol and drugs Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 123 12340 Promotion of mental health and well-being Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 123 12350 Other prevention and treatment of NCDs Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 123 12382 Research for prevention and control of NCDs Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 130 I.3. Population Policies/Programmes and Reproductive Health Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 130 13010 Population policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 13010 13096 Population statistics and data Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 130 13020 Reproductive health care Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 130 13030 Family planning Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 130 13040 STD control including HIV/AIDS Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 130 13081 Personnel development for population and reproductive health Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 140 I.4. Water Supply and Sanitation Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 140 14010 Water sector policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 140 14015 Water resources conservation (including data collection) Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 140 14020 Water supply and sanitation - large systems Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 140 14021 Water supply - large systems Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 140 14022 Sanitation - large systems Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 140 14030 Basic drinking water supply and basic sanitation Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 140 14031 Basic drinking water supply Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 140 14032 Basic sanitation Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 140 14040 River basins development Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 140 14050 Waste management/disposal Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 140 14081 Education and training in water supply and sanitation Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 150 I.5. Government and Civil Society Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 150 151 I.5.a. Government and Civil Society - general Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 151 15110 Public sector policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15110 15121 Foreign affairs Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15110 15122 Diplomatic missions Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15110 15123 Administration of developing countries' foreign aid Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15110 15124 General personnel services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15110 15126 Other general public services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15110 15127 National monitoring and evaluation Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15110 15143 Meteorological services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15110 15144 National standards development Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15110 15154 Executive office Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15110 15196 Government and civil society statistics and data Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 151 15111 Public finance management (PFM) Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15111 15117 Budget planning Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15111 15118 National audit Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15111 15119 Debt and aid management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 151 15112 Decentralisation and support to subnational government Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15112 15128 Local government finance Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15112 15129 Other central transfers to institutions Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15112 15185 Local government administration Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 151 15113 Anti-corruption organisations and institutions Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 151 15114 Domestic revenue mobilisation Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15114 15116 Tax collection Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15114 15155 Tax policy and administration support Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15114 15156 Other non-tax revenue mobilisation Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 151 15125 Public Procurement Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 151 15130 Legal and judicial development Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15130 15131 Justice, law and order policy, planning and administration Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15130 15132 Police Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15130 15133 Fire and rescue services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15130 15134 Judicial affairs Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15130 15135 Ombudsman Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15130 15136 Immigration Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 15130 15137 Prisons Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 151 1513010 Fight against transnational organised crime Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 151 1513020 Countering violent extremism Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 151 1513030 Cyber security Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 151 15142 Macroeconomic policy Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 151 15150 Democratic participation and civil society Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 151 15151 Elections Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 151 15152 Legislatures and political parties Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 151 15153 Media and free flow of information Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 151 15160 Human rights Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 151 1516010 Transitional justice Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 151 1516020 International criminal justice Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 151 15170 Women's rights organisations and movements, and government institutions Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 151 15180 Ending violence against women and girls Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 151 15190 Facilitation of orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 150 152 I.5.b. Conflict, Peace and Security Active 1 1 0
Purpose code 150 152 Conflict, Peace & Security Active 1 0 1
Purpose code 152 1520010 Disarmament of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 152 1520020 Prevention of Violent Extremism Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 152 15210 Security system management and reform Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 152 15220 Civilian peace-building, conflict prevention and resolution Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 152 15230 Participation in international peacekeeping operations Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 152 15230 Participation in international peacekeeping operations Active 0 1 0
Purpose code 152 15240 Reintegration and SALW control Active 0 1 0
Purpose code 152 15240 Reintegration and SALW control Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 152 15250 Removal of land mines and explosive remnants of war Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 152 15250 Removal of land mines and explosive remnants of war Active 0 1 0
Purpose code 152 15261 Child soldiers (prevention and demobilisation) Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 160 I.6. Other Social Infrastructure and Services Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 160 16010 Social Protection Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 16010 16011 Social protection and welfare services policy, planning and administration Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 16010 16012 Social security (excl pensions) Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 16010 16013 General pensions Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 16010 16014 Civil service pensions Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 16010 16015 Social services (incl youth development and women+ children) Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 160 16020 Employment creation Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 160 16030 Housing policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 160 16040 Low-cost housing Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 160 16050 Multisector aid for basic social services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 160 16061 Culture and cultural diversity Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 16061 16065 Recreation and sport Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 16061 16066 Culture Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 160 16062 Statistical capacity building Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 160 16063 Narcotics control Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 160 16064 Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 160 16070 Labour rights Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 160 16080 Social dialogue Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 210 II.1. Transport and Storage Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 210 21010 Transport policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 21010 21011 Transport policy, planning and administration Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 21010 21012 Public transport services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 21010 21013 Transport regulation Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 210 21020 Road transport Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 21020 21021 Feeder road construction Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 21020 21022 Feeder road maintenance Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 21020 21023 National road construction Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 21020 21024 National road maintenance Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 210 21030 Rail transport Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 210 21040 Water transport Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 210 21050 Air transport Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 210 21061 Storage Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 210 21081 Education and training in transport and storage Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 220 II.2. Communications Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 220 22010 Communications policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 22010 22011 Communications policy, planning and administration Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 22010 22012 Postal services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 22010 22013 Information services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 220 22020 Telecommunications Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 220 22030 Radio, television, print and online media Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 220 22040 Information and communication technology (ICT) Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 220 22081 Education and training in ICT, telecommunications and media Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 230 II.3. Energy Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 231 II.3.a. Energy Policy Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 231 23110 Energy policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 23110 23111 Energy sector policy, planning and administration Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 23110 23112 Energy regulation Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 231 23181 Energy education/training Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 231 23182 Energy research Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 231 23183 Energy conservation and demand-side efficiency Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 232 II.3.b. Energy generation, renewable sources Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 232 23210 Energy generation, renewable sources - multiple technologies Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 232 23220 Hydro-electric power plants Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 232 23230 Solar energy for centralised grids Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 232 23231 Solar energy for isolated grids and standalone systems Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 232 23232 Solar energy - thermal applications Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 232 23240 Wind energy Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 232 23250 Marine energy Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 232 23260 Geothermal energy Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 232 23270 Biofuel-fired power plants Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 233 II.3.c. Energy generation, non-renewable sources Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 233 23310 Energy generation, non-renewable sources, unspecified Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 233 23320 Coal-fired electric power plants Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 233 23330 Oil-fired electric power plants Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 233 23340 Natural gas-fired electric power plants Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 233 23350 Fossil fuel electric power plants with carbon capture and storage (CCS) Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 233 23360 Non-renewable waste-fired electric power plants Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 234 II.3.d. Hybrid energy plants Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 234 23410 Hybrid energy electric power plants Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 235 II.3.e. Nuclear energy plants Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 235 23510 Nuclear energy electric power plants and nuclear safety Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 236 II.3.f. Energy distribution Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 236 23610 Heat plants Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 236 23620 District heating and cooling Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 236 23630 Electric power transmission and distribution (centralised grids) Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 236 23631 Electric power transmission and distribution (isolated mini-grids) Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 236 23640 Retail gas distribution Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 236 23641 Retail distribution of liquid or solid fossil fuels Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 236 23642 Electric mobility infrastructures Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 240 II.4. Banking and Financial Services Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 240 24010 Financial policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 240 24020 Monetary institutions Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 240 24030 Formal sector financial intermediaries Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 240 24040 Informal/semi-formal financial intermediaries Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 240 24050 Remittance facilitation, promotion and optimisation Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 240 24081 Education/training in banking and financial services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 250 II.5. Business and Other Services Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 250 25010 Business policy and administration Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 250 25020 Privatisation Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 250 25030 Business development services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 250 25040 Responsible business conduct Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 310 III.1. Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 311 III.1.a. Agriculture Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 311 31110 Agricultural policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 311 31120 Agricultural development Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 311 31130 Agricultural land resources Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 311 31140 Agricultural water resources Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 311 31150 Agricultural inputs Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 311 31161 Food crop production Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 311 31162 Industrial crops/export crops Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 311 31163 Livestock Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 311 31164 Agrarian reform Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 311 31165 Agricultural alternative development Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 311 31166 Agricultural extension Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 311 31181 Agricultural education/training Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 311 31182 Agricultural research Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 311 31191 Agricultural services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 311 31192 Plant and post-harvest protection and pest control Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 311 31193 Agricultural financial services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 311 31194 Agricultural co-operatives Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 311 31195 Livestock/veterinary services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 312 III.1.b. Forestry Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 312 31210 Forestry policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 312 31220 Forestry development Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 312 31261 Fuelwood/charcoal Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 312 31281 Forestry education/training Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 312 31282 Forestry research Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 312 31291 Forestry services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 313 III.1.c. Fishing Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 313 31310 Fishing policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 313 31320 Fishery development Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 313 31381 Fishery education/training Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 313 31382 Fishery research Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 313 31391 Fishery services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 320 III.2. Industry, Mining, Construction Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 321 III.2.a. Industry Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 321 32110 Industrial policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32120 Industrial development Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32130 Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) development Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32140 Cottage industries and handicraft Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32161 Agro-industries Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32162 Forest industries Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32163 Textiles, leather and substitutes Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32164 Chemicals Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32165 Fertilizer plants Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32166 Cement/lime/plaster Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32167 Energy manufacturing (fossil fuels) Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32168 Pharmaceutical production Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32169 Basic metal industries Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32170 Non-ferrous metal industries Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32171 Engineering Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32172 Transport equipment industry Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32173 Modern biofuels manufacturing Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32174 Clean cooking appliances manufacturing Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 321 32182 Technological research and development Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 322 III.2.b. Mineral Resources and Mining Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 322 32210 Mineral/mining policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 322 32220 Mineral prospection and exploration Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 322 32261 Coal Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 322 32262 Oil and gas (upstream) Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 322 32263 Ferrous metals Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 322 32264 Nonferrous metals Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 322 32265 Precious metals/materials Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 322 32266 Industrial minerals Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 322 32267 Fertilizer minerals Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 322 32268 Offshore minerals Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 323 III.2.c. Construction Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 323 32310 Construction policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 330 III.3.a. Trade Policies and Regulations Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 331 III.3.a. Trade Policies and Regulations Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 331 33110 Trade policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 331 33120 Trade facilitation Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 331 33130 Regional trade agreements (RTAs) Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 331 33140 Multilateral trade negotiations Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 331 33150 Trade-related adjustment Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 331 33181 Trade education/training Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 332 III.3.b. Tourism Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 332 33210 Tourism policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 410 IV.1. General Environment Protection Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 410 41010 Environmental policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 410 41020 Biosphere protection Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 410 41030 Biodiversity Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 410 41040 Site preservation Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 410 41081 Environmental education/training Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 410 41082 Environmental research Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 430 IV.2. Other Multisector Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 430 43010 Multisector aid Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 430 43030 Urban development and management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 43030 43031 Urban land policy and management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 43030 43032 Urban development Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 430 43040 Rural development Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 43040 43041 Rural land policy and management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 43040 43042 Rural development Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 430 43050 Non-agricultural alternative development Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 430 43060 Disaster Risk Reduction Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 430 43071 Food security policy and administrative management Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 430 43072 Household food security programmes Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 430 43073 Food safety and quality Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 430 43081 Multisector education/training Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 430 43082 Research/scientific institutions Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 510 VI.1. General Budget Support Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 510 51010 General budget support-related aid Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 520 VI.2. Development Food Assistance Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 520 52010 Food assistance Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 530 VI.3. Other Commodity Assistance Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 530 53030 Import support (capital goods) Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 530 53040 Import support (commodities) Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 600 VII. Action Relating to Debt Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 600 60010 Action relating to debt Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 600 60020 Debt forgiveness Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 600 60030 Relief of multilateral debt Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 600 60040 Rescheduling and refinancing Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 600 60061 Debt for development swap Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 600 60062 Other debt swap Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 600 60063 Debt buy-back Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 720 VIII.1. Emergency Response Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 720 72010 Material relief assistance and services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 72010 72011 Basic Health Care Services in Emergencies Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 72010 72012 Education in emergencies Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 720 72040 Emergency food assistance Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 720 72050 Relief co-ordination and support services Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 730 VIII.2. Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 730 73010 Immediate post-emergency reconstruction and rehabilitation Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 740 VIII.3. Disaster Preparedness Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 740 74020 Multi-hazard response preparedness Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 910 IX. Administrative Costs of Donors Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 910 91010 Administrative costs (non-sector allocable) Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 930 XI. Refugees/Asylum Seekers in Donor Countries Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 930 93010 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries (non-sector allocable) Active 0 1 0
Purpose code 930 93010 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries (non-sector allocable) Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 93010 93011 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries - food and shelter Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 93010 93011 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries - food and shelter Active 0 1 0
Purpose code 93010 93012 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries - training Active 0 1 0
Purpose code 93010 93012 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries - training Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 93010 93013 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries - health Active 0 1 0
Purpose code 93010 93013 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries - health Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 93010 93014 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries - other temporary sustenance Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 93010 93014 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries - other temporary sustenance Active 0 1 0
Purpose code 93010 93015 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries - voluntary repatriation Active 0 1 0
Purpose code 93010 93015 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries - voluntary repatriation Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 93010 93016 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries - transport Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 93010 93016 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries - transport Active 0 1 0
Purpose code 93010 93017 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries - rescue at sea Active 0 1 0
Purpose code 93010 93017 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries - rescue at sea Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 93010 93018 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries - administrative costs Active 0 0 1
Purpose code 93010 93018 Refugees/asylum seekers in donor countries - administrative costs Active 0 1 0
Purpose code 998 XII. Unallocated / Unspecified Active 1 1 1
Purpose code 998 99810 Sectors not specified Active 0 1 1
Purpose code 998 99820 Promotion of development awareness (non-sector allocable) Active 0 1 1
Markers 1 Gender Active 0 1 0
Markers 2 Environment Active 0 1 0
Markers 3 DIG Active 0 1 0
Markers 5 Biodiversity Active 0 1 0
Markers 6 Climate Change - Mitigation Active 0 1 0
Markers 7 Climate Change - Adaptation Active 0 1 0
Markers 8 Desertification Active 0 1 0
Markers 9 Aid Targeting the Objectives of the Framework Convention on Climate Change - Overlap Active 0 1 0
Markers 10 RMNCH Active 0 1 0
Markers 11 DRR Active 0 1 0
Markers 12 Nutrition Active 0 1 0
Markers 13 Disability Active 0 1 0
Markers value 0 not targeted active 0 1 0
Markers value 1 significant objective active 0 1 0
Markers value 2 principal objective active 0 1 0
Mobilisation leverage 1 Syndicated loan, arranger Active 0 1 1
Mobilisation leverage 2 Syndicated loan, participant Active 0 1 1
Mobilisation leverage 3 Common share in flat collective investment vehicle Active 0 1 1
Mobilisation leverage 4 Shares in the riskiest tranche of structured collective investment vehicle, first loss share and other (e.g. lock up share) Active 0 1 1
Mobilisation leverage 5 Shares in the mezzanine/senior tranche of structured CIV Active 0 1 1
Mobilisation leverage 6 Guarantee/insurance Active 0 1 1
Mobilisation leverage 7 Direct investment in companies/SPVs, equity Active 0 1 1
Mobilisation leverage 8 Direct investment in companies/SPVs, mezzanine/senior debt Active 0 1 1
Mobilisation leverage 9 Credit lines Active 0 1 1
Mobilisation leverage 10 Simple co-financing Active 0 1 1
Mobilisation origin 1 provider country Active 0 1 1
Mobilisation origin 2 recipient country Active 0 1 1
Mobilisation origin 3 third High income OECD country Active 0 1 1
Mobilisation origin 4 other third country Active 0 1 1
Mobilisation origin 5 multiple origins Active 0 1 1
PSI additionality 1 financial additionality Active 0 1 0
PSI additionality 2 value additionality Active 0 1 0
PSI additionality 3 financial and value additionality Active 0 1 0
PSI additionality 11 Targets underserved geographies Active 0 1 0
PSI additionality 12 Targets underserved sectors or segments Active 0 1 0
PSI additionality 13 Conveys investment terms unavailable on the market Active 0 1 0
PSI additionality 14 Mobilises private finance Active 0 1 0
PSI additionality 21 Mitigates non-financial risks Active 0 1 0
PSI additionality 22 Promotes pro-development business models Active 0 1 0
PSI additionality 23 Promotes knowledge transfer and generation Active 0 1 0
PSI additionality 99 Other, please specify Active 0 1 0
PSI flag 1 PSI ODA under the institutional approach Active 0 1 0
PSI flag 2 PSI ODA instrument approach Active 0 1 0
PSI flag 3 Non ODA PSI Active 0 1 0
PSI flag 4 Details of PSI activities that are reported under the institutional approach Active 0 1 0
PSI flag 10 Capital increases counted in ODA / Decapitalisations or dividends paid to the government counted in ODA Active 0 1 0
PSI flag 20 Grant equivalents of individual PSI activities counted in ODA Active 0 1 0
PSI flag 30 PSI for which GEq is not calculated Active 0 1 0
PSI flag 40 Grant equivalents of individual PSI activities for memorandum Active 0 1 0
PSI flag 50 Capital increases for memorandum Active 0 1 0
TOSSD Pillar 1 Pillar I active 0 0 1
TOSSD Pillar 2 Pillar II active 0 0 1
TOSSD Pillar 21 Pillar II.A active 0 0 1
TOSSD Pillar 22 Pillar II.B active 0 0 1
Financing Arrangement FA01 BLENDED FINANCE active 0 0 1
Financing Arrangement FA02 ISLAMIC FINANCE active 0 0 1
Financing Arrangement FA04 OFFICIALLY-SUPPORTED EXPORT CREDITS active 0 0 1
Collaboration Framework FC01 SOUTH-SOUTH CO-OPERATION active 0 0 1
Collaboration Framework FC02 TRIANGULAR CO-OPERATION active 0 0 1
TOSSD Concessionality 0 Non-concessional loan active 0 0 1
TOSSD Concessionality 1 Concessional loan active 0 0 1
TOSSD Concessionality 2 (For SSC providers only) Interest-free loan active 0 0 1
Keywords 1 #COVID-19 active 0 1 1
Keywords 2 #ADAPTATION active 0 0 1
Keywords 3 #MITIGATION active 0 0 1
Keywords 6 #GENDER active 0 0 1
Keywords 10 #NON-17.3.1 active 0 0 1
Keywords 11 #Refugees_HostCommunities active 0 1 1
Keywords 12 #IDPs_HostCommunities active 0 1 1
Keywords 13 #VoluntaryRefugeeReturn_Reintegration active 0 1 1
Keywords 42 #DEVELOPMENT active 0 0 1
Keywords 119 #INFRASTRUCTURE active 0 0 1
Keywords 120 #HUMANITARIAN active 0 0 1
Keywords 121 #PEACEKEEPING active 0 0 1
Keywords 122 #VOLUNTEERS active 0 0 1
Keywords 179 #PPR_PREPAREDNESS active 0 0 1
Keywords 180 #PPR_PREPAREDNESS_SURVEILLANCE active 0 0 1
Keywords 181 #PPR_PREPAREDNESS_OTHER active 0 0 1
Keywords 182 #PPR_RESPONSE active 0 0 1
Keywords 184 #Transnational_benefits_[Africa] active 0 0 1
Keywords 185 #Transnational_benefits_[America] active 0 0 1
Keywords 186 #Transnational_benefits_[Asia] active 0 0 1
Keywords 187 #Transnational_benefits_[Caribbean] active 0 0 1
Keywords 188 #Transnational_benefits_[Caribbean & Central America] active 0 0 1
Keywords 189 #Transnational_benefits_[Central America] active 0 0 1
Keywords 190 #Transnational_benefits_[Central Asia] active 0 0 1
Keywords 191 #Transnational_benefits_[Developing countries] active 0 0 1
Keywords 192 #Transnational_benefits_[Eastern Africa] active 0 0 1
Keywords 193 #Transnational_benefits_[Europe] active 0 0 1
Keywords 194 #Transnational_benefits_[Far East Asia] active 0 0 1
Keywords 195 #Transnational_benefits_[Global] active 0 0 1
Keywords 196 #Transnational_benefits_[Melanesia] active 0 0 1
Keywords 197 #Transnational_benefits_[Micronesia] active 0 0 1
Keywords 198 #Transnational_benefits_[Middle Africa] active 0 0 1
Keywords 199 #Transnational_benefits_[Middle East] active 0 0 1
Keywords 200 #Transnational_benefits_[North of Sahara] active 0 0 1
Keywords 201 #Transnational_benefits_[Oceania] active 0 0 1
Keywords 202 #Transnational_benefits_[Polynesia] active 0 0 1
Keywords 203 #Transnational_benefits_[South & Central Asia] active 0 0 1
Keywords 204 #Transnational_benefits_[South America] active 0 0 1
Keywords 205 #Transnational_benefits_[South Asia] active 0 0 1
Keywords 206 #Transnational_benefits_[South of Sahara] active 0 0 1
Keywords 207 #Transnational_benefits_[Southern Africa] active 0 0 1
Keywords 208 #Transnational_benefits_[Western Africa] active 0 0 1
Currency 3 Danish krone Active 0 1 1
Currency 8 Norwegian krone Active 0 1 1
Currency 10 Swedish krona Active 0 1 1
Currency 11 Swiss franc Active 0 1 1
Currency 12 Pound sterling Active 0 1 1
Currency 20 Icelandic krĂłna Active 0 1 1
Currency 55 Turkish lira Active 0 1 1
Currency 62 Croatian kuna Active 0 1 1
Currency 68 Czech koruna Active 0 1 1
Currency 70 Swiss franc Active 0 1 1
Currency 72 Bulgarian lev Active 0 1 1
Currency 75 Hungarian forint Active 0 1 1
Currency 76 Polish zloty Active 0 1 1
Currency 77 Romanian leu Active 0 1 1
Currency 87 Russian ruble Active 0 1 1
Currency 130 Algerian dinar Active 0 1 1
Currency 133 Libyan dinar Active 0 1 1
Currency 218 South African rand Active 0 1 1
Currency 241 Ghanaian cedi Active 0 1 1
Currency 243 Guinean franc Active 0 1 1
Currency 252 Malagasy ariary Active 0 1 1
Currency 256 Mauritanian ouguiya Active 0 1 1
Currency 261 Naira Active 0 1 1
Currency 274 Djiboutian franc Active 0 1 1
Currency 301 Canadian dollar Active 0 1 1
Currency 302 United States dollar Active 0 1 1
Currency 336 Costa Rica colon Active 0 1 1
Currency 340 Dominican Peso Active 0 1 1
Currency 358 Mexican peso Active 0 1 1
Currency 425 Argentine peso Active 0 1 1
Currency 431 Brazilian real Active 0 1 1
Currency 434 Chilean peso Active 0 1 1
Currency 454 Peruvian Sol Active 0 1 1
Currency 460 Uruguayan peso Active 0 1 1
Currency 540 Iranian rial Active 0 1 1
Currency 543 Iraqi dinar Active 0 1 1
Currency 546 Israeli new shekel Active 0 1 1
Currency 552 Kuwaiti dinar Active 0 1 1
Currency 558 Omani rial Active 0 1 1
Currency 561 Qatari riyal Active 0 1 1
Currency 566 Saudi riyal Active 0 1 1
Currency 576 UAE dirham Active 0 1 1
Currency 611 Azerbaijani manat Active 0 1 1
Currency 613 Kazakhstani tenge Active 0 1 1
Currency 645 Indian rupee Active 0 1 1
Currency 701 Japanese yen Active 0 1 1
Currency 730 Chinese yuan Active 0 1 1
Currency 732 New Taiwan dollar Active 0 1 1
Currency 735 Hong Kong dollar Active 0 1 1
Currency 738 Indonesian rupiah Active 0 1 1
Currency 742 South Korean won Active 0 1 1
Currency 751 Malaysian ringgit Active 0 1 1
Currency 755 Philippine peso Active 0 1 1
Currency 761 Singapore dollar Active 0 1 1
Currency 764 Thai baht Active 0 1 1
Currency 765 United States dollar Active 0 1 1
Currency 801 Australian dollar Active 0 1 1
Currency 820 New Zealand dollar Active 0 1 1
Currency 854 Vanuatu vatu Active 0 1 1
Currency 914 Unit of Account Active 0 1 1
Currency 918 Euro Active 0 1 1
Currency 943 Special Drawing Rights Active 0 1 1
Agency type 1 Main Aid Agencies (in terms of budget) active 0 1 1
Agency type 2 Other Extending Aid Agencies active 0 1 1
Agency type 3 Local Governments active 0 1 1
Agency type 4 Export Credit Agencies active 0 1 1
Agency type 5 Development Finance Institutions active 0 1 1
Agency type 6 Private Sector Instrument vehicle active 0 1 1
Agency type 7 Voluntary non-core funding - developmental active 0 0 1
Agency type 8 Core and non-core funding / global activities and TOSSD-only recipients active 0 0 1
Agency type 9 Other agencies (research, etc.) active 0 0 1
Agency type 99 Unknown active 0 1 1
LDC Flag 1 Exact expenditure active 0 1 0
LDC Flag 2 Estimate, based on geographic breakdown of fund’s expenditures active 0 1 0
LDC Flag 3 Estimate, based on population active 0 1 0
LDC Flag 4 Estimate, based on number of countries active 0 1 0
LDC Flag 5 Estimate, based on some other methodology active 0 1 0
Type of Blended Finance 1 Concessional blended finance as a part of an associated finance package active 0 1 0
Type of Blended Finance 2 Concessional blended finance, others active 0 1 0
Type of Blended Finance 3 Blended finance through leveraging instruments at project level active 0 1 0
Type of Blended Finance 4 Blended finance through funds and facilities active 0 1 0
Type of repayment 1 Equal principal payments (EPP) active 0 1 0
Type of repayment 2 Annuity active 0 1 0
Type of repayment 3 Lump sum active 0 1 0
Type of repayment 5 Other active 0 1 0